很早之前的文章,写过一篇关于加速Web应用的功能之一:「JSP预编译」 JSP预编译,加速你的应用 ,在其中我们提到通过JSP的预编译,我们可以提前生成JSP对应的Servlet文件,从而节省执行时再生成所带来的时间占用。
而整个JSP预编译的核心入口是 JspC 这个工具。
新的 Tomcat Release Note 里,有一个功能,是新增了多线程编译,来加速JSP预编译。是一位热心网友提供的 patch。
Make the Jasper (JSP Engine) Java file generation process multi-threaded. By default, one thread will be used per core. Based on a patch by Dan Fabulich.
这个 patch主要做了些什么事情呢? 我把其中的重点代码摘出来一起看下:
public void setThreadCount(String threadCount) {
if (threadCount == null) {
int newThreadCount;
try {
if (threadCount.endsWith("C")) {
double factor = Double.parseDouble(threadCount.substring(0, threadCount.length() - 1));
newThreadCount = (int) (factor * Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());
} else {
newThreadCount = Integer.parseInt(threadCount);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new BuildException("Couldn't parse thread count: " + threadCount);
if (newThreadCount < 1) {
throw new BuildException("There must be at least one thread: " + newThreadCount);
this.threadCount = newThreadCount;
ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threadCount);
ExecutorCompletionService<Void> service = new ExecutorCompletionService<>(threadPool);
int pageCount = pages.size();
for (String nextjsp : pages) {
File fjsp = new File(nextjsp);
if (!fjsp.isAbsolute()) {
fjsp = new File(uriRootF, nextjsp);
if (!fjsp.exists()) {
if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
"jspc.error.fileDoesNotExist", fjsp.toString()));
String s = fjsp.getAbsolutePath();
if (s.startsWith(uriRoot)) {
nextjsp = s.substring(uriRoot.length());
if (nextjsp.startsWith("." + File.separatorChar)) {
nextjsp = nextjsp.substring(2);
service.submit(new ProcessFile(nextjsp));
Index: java/org/apache/jasper/JspC.java
--- java/org/apache/jasper/JspC.java (revision 1355850)
+++ java/org/apache/jasper/JspC.java (working copy)
@@ -43,6 +43,11 @@
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
+import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
+import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
+import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorCompletionService;
+import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
+import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagLibraryInfo;
@@ -126,6 +131,7 @@
protected static final String SWITCH_ENCODING = "-javaEncoding";
protected static final String SWITCH_SMAP = "-smap";
protected static final String SWITCH_DUMP_SMAP = "-dumpsmap";
+ protected static final String SWITCH_THREAD_COUNT = "-threadCount";
protected static final String SHOW_SUCCESS ="-s";
protected static final String LIST_ERRORS = "-l";
protected static final int INC_WEBXML = 10;
@@ -209,6 +215,9 @@
* is UTF-8. Added per bugzilla 19622.
protected String javaEncoding = "UTF-8";
+ /** The number of threads to use; default is two per core */
+ protected int threadCount = 0;
// Generation of web.xml fragments
protected String webxmlFile;
@@ -363,6 +372,8 @@
smapSuppressed = false;
} else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_DUMP_SMAP)) {
smapDumped = true;
+ } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_THREAD_COUNT)) {
+ setThreadCount(nextArg());
} else {
if (tok.startsWith("-")) {
throw new JasperException("Unrecognized option: " + tok +
@@ -720,6 +731,31 @@
return javaEncoding;
+ public int getThreadCount() {
+ return threadCount;
+ }
+ public void setThreadCount(String threadCount) {
+ if (threadCount == null) return;
+ int newThreadCount;
+ if (threadCount.endsWith("C")) {
+ try {
+ double factor = Double.parseDouble(threadCount.substring(0, threadCount.length() - 1));
+ newThreadCount = (int) (factor * (double) Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());
+ } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
+ throw new BuildException("Couldn't parse thread count: " + threadCount);
+ }
+ } else {
+ try {
+ newThreadCount = Integer.parseInt(threadCount);
+ } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
+ throw new BuildException("Couldn't parse thread count: " + threadCount);
+ }
+ }
+ if (newThreadCount < 1) throw new BuildException("There must be at least one thread: " + newThreadCount);
+ this.threadCount = newThreadCount;
+ }
* Sets the encoding to use for
* java files.
@@ -1305,28 +1341,51 @@
Iterator<String> iter = pages.iterator();
- while (iter.hasNext()) {
- String nextjsp = iter.next().toString();
- File fjsp = new File(nextjsp);
- if (!fjsp.isAbsolute()) {
- fjsp = new File(uriRootF, nextjsp);
- }
- if (!fjsp.exists()) {
- if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
- log.warn
- (Localizer.getMessage
- ("jspc.error.fileDoesNotExist", fjsp.toString()));
+ if (threadCount == 0) {
+ threadCount = 2 * Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
+ }
+ ExecutorService threadPool = null;
+ try {
+ threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threadCount);
+ ExecutorCompletionService<Void> service = new ExecutorCompletionService<Void>(threadPool);
+ int fileCount = 0;
+ while (iter.hasNext()) {
+ String nextjsp = iter.next().toString();
+ File fjsp = new File(nextjsp);
+ if (!fjsp.isAbsolute()) {
+ fjsp = new File(uriRootF, nextjsp);
- continue;
+ if (!fjsp.exists()) {
+ if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
+ log.warn
+ (Localizer.getMessage
+ ("jspc.error.fileDoesNotExist", fjsp.toString()));
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ String s = fjsp.getAbsolutePath();
+ if (s.startsWith(uriRoot)) {
+ nextjsp = s.substring(uriRoot.length());
+ }
+ if (nextjsp.startsWith("." + File.separatorChar)) {
+ nextjsp = nextjsp.substring(2);
+ }
+ service.submit(new ProcessFile(nextjsp));
+ fileCount++;
- String s = fjsp.getAbsolutePath();
- if (s.startsWith(uriRoot)) {
- nextjsp = s.substring(uriRoot.length());
+ for (int i = 0; i < fileCount; i++) {
+ service.take().get();
- if (nextjsp.startsWith("." + File.separatorChar)) {
- nextjsp = nextjsp.substring(2);
+ } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+ throw new JasperException(e);
+ } catch (ExecutionException e) {
+ if (e.getCause() instanceof JasperException) {
+ throw (JasperException) e.getCause();
+ } else {
+ throw new JasperException(e.getCause());
- processFile(nextjsp);
+ } finally {
+ if (threadPool != null) threadPool.shutdownNow();
@@ -1354,6 +1413,18 @@
+ private class ProcessFile implements Callable<Void> {
+ private final String file;
+ private ProcessFile(String file) { this.file = file; }
+ @Override
+ public Void call() throws Exception {
+ processFile(file);
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
// ==================== protected utility methods ====================
Index: java/org/apache/jasper/resources/LocalStrings.properties
--- java/org/apache/jasper/resources/LocalStrings.properties (revision 1355850)
+++ java/org/apache/jasper/resources/LocalStrings.properties (working copy)
@@ -184,6 +184,7 @@
\ -javaEncoding <enc> Set the encoding charset for Java classes (default UTF-8)\n\
\ -source <version> Set the -source argument to the compiler (default 1.6)\n\
\ -target <version> Set the -target argument to the compiler (default 1.6)\n\
+\ -threadCount <count> Number of threads. \"2.0C\" means two threads per core\n\
jspc.webxml.header=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>\n\
怎样提 Patch
像 Tomcat 这种较大型的项目,虽然也在 GitHub 上有代码,但主要风格还是前几年流行的 SVN + JIRA + Bugzilla。 主要的Bug 和 Feature 的需求,都需要先在 JIRA 或者 Bugzilla上创建。对于提交的 path,做为附件内容,同步提供。之后大家围绕这个话题进行讨论,commiter 会决定是否采用合入。
其它在GitHub上托管的开源项目,直接提交Pull Request,然后邮件联系 commiter即可。对方会在 PR 后面进行讨论,决定是否采用,流程上也更清晰。
看上面的 patch 内容,我们可能感觉没啥难度,「不就是用个线程池?」可能现象确实如此,这个思路也比较容易想到。但在这其中的一些思路可以借鉴的,比如输入参数中,会默认设置一个core对应两个线程, 我们一般的思路是根据 Runtime 直接取Processor数设置上就完事了。
另外一点是,我上面的历史文章中,有一篇分析文章是2015年写的,网上之前也有不少类似分析源码的文章,好像也都是「仅」分析,「这么容易想到的思路」,为什么没人在分析的时候提个patch? 所以,有些看似简单的地方也都是有可优化的点,甚至方法也不难,难在发现并下手。
说到这里顺便吐槽下 Tomcat, 这个 patch 是热心网友在 2012提的,结果直到今年(2018.07)才采用合入,也真是够拖沓的。
我在前几年在应用服务器开发的时候,也曾在 GitHub上向 Tomcat 提过 patch(2013年的时候), 是关于 AJP通道的连接没有断开的问题,不过复现的场景需要在JEE 服务器中,单独的Tomcat不能直接复现。结果在两年之后才收到回复。 :-)
最主要的,要有「发现问题的眼睛」,无论大型小型的开源项目,如果你对该领域较为熟悉,完全可以提出自己的想法和改进建议。同时,重要的是动过手,已经有对应的分析和数据对比,同时提供各种运行环境之类的基础信息,再提 patch,这样也较容易被采纳。
关注『 Tomcat那些事儿 』 ,发现更多精彩文章!了解各种常见问题背后的原理与答案。深入源码,分析细节,内容原创,欢迎关注。
转发是最大的支持 ,谢谢
一台机器上安装多个Tomcat 的原理(回复001)
监控Tomcat中的各种数据 (回复002)
Tomcat 日志工作原理及配置(回复011)
web.xml 解析实现(回复 012)
线程池的原理( 回复 014)
Tomcat 的集群搭建原理与实现 (回复 015)
类加载器的原理 (回复 016)
类找不到等问题 (回复 017)
代码的热替换实现(回复 018)
Tomcat 进程自动退出问题 (回复 019)
为什么总是返回404? (回复 020)
PS: 对于一些 Tomcat常见问 题 ,在公众号的【 常见问题 】菜单中,有需要的朋友欢迎关注查看。
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《谈谈 JSP 的预编译加速及如何参与开源》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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