内容简介:Kubernetes 1.11.3 发布了,更新内容如下 —— Action Required action required: the API server and client-go libraries have been fixed to support additional non-alpha-numeric characters in UserInfo "...
Kubernetes 1.11.3 发布了,更新内容如下 ——
Action Required
action required: the API server and client-go libraries have been fixed to support additional non-alpha-numeric characters in UserInfo "extra" data keys. Both should be updated in order to properly support extra data containing "/" characters or other characters disallowed in HTTP headers. (#65799, @dekkagaijin)
Orphan DaemonSet when deleting with --cascade option set (#68007, @soltysh)
Bump event-exporter to 0.2.2 to pick up security fixes. (#66157, @loburm)
PVC may not be synced to controller local cache in time if PV is bound by external PV binder (e.g. kube-scheduler), double check if PVC is not found to prevent reclaiming PV wrongly. (#67062, @cofyc)
kube-apiserver: fixes error creating system priority classes when starting multiple apiservers simultaneously (#67372, @tanshanshan)
Add NoSchedule/NoExecute tolerations to ip-masq-agent, ensuring it to be scheduled in all nodes except master. (#66260, @tanshanshan)
updates for custom resources on no-op writes. (#67562, @nikhita)fix cluster-info dump error (#66652, @charrywanganthony)
attachdetach controller attaches volumes immediately when Pod's PVCs are bound (#66863, @cofyc)
kube-apiserver now includes all registered API groups in discovery, including registered extension API group/versions for unavailable extension API servers. (#66932, @nilebox)
fixes an issue with multi-line annotations injected via downward API files getting scrambled (#65992, @liggitt)
Revert #63905: Setup dns servers and search domains for Windows Pods. DNS for Windows containers will be set by CNI plugins. (#66587, @feiskyer)
Fix an issue that pods using hostNetwork keep increasing. (#67456, @Huang-Wei)
fix azure disk create failure due to sdk upgrade (#67236, @andyzhangx)
Fix creation of custom resources when the CRD contains non-conventional pluralization and subresources (#66249, @deads2k)
Allows extension API server to dynamically discover the requestheader CA certificate when the core API server doesn't use certificate based authentication for it's clients (#66394, @rtripat)
下载地址 https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases/tag/v1.11.3
此外,Kubernetes v1.11.4-beta.0 也已发布。
Kubernetes (通常称为 K8s) 是来自 Google 云平台的开源容器集群管理系统,用于自动部署、扩展和管理容器化(containerized)应用程序。该系统基于 Docker 构建一个容器的调度服务。
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
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