内容简介:Lettuce 5.1.0.RC1 已发布,这是 Lettuce 5.1 发布的第一个候选版本,包含改进和错误修复。Lettuce 5.1.0 要求 Java 8 及以上版本。 值得注意的变化: 支持 Brave (OpenZipkin) tracing 兼容 Java 11 完整更新内容...
Lettuce 5.1.0.RC1 已发布,这是 Lettuce 5.1 发布的第一个候选版本,包含改进和错误修复。Lettuce 5.1.0 要求 Java 8 及以上版本。
支持 Brave (OpenZipkin) tracing
兼容 Java 11
Add tracing support using Brave (OpenZipkin)
Add support for ZPOPMIN, ZPOPMAX, BZPOPMIN, BZPOPMAX commands #778
Add REPLACE option to RESTORE. #783 (Thanks to @christophstrobl)
Add support for CLIENT UNBLOCK #812
Cancel commands after disconnect in at-most-once mode. #547
Consider adding host/port mapper #689
Add tracing support using Brave (OpenZipkin) #782
Improve builders and resources with Java 8 default/static interface methods #791
ZSCAN match pattern encoding issue #792 (Thanks to @silvertype)
Accept brave.Tracing instead of brave.Tracer #798
Bind Master/Slave transactional commands to Master during an ongoing transaction #800
FutureSyncInvocationHandler the statement "command.get ()" in the handlerInvocation method is unnecessary #809 (Thanks to @zhangweidavid)
Fall back to initial seed nodes on topology refresh when dynamicRefreshSources is enabled #822 (Thanks to @stuartharper)
Assert Java 11 build compatibility #841
MULTI is dispatched to slave nodes using SLAVE readFrom #779 (Thanks to @Yipei)
Reduce service name in BraveTracing to just Redis #797
Javadoc mentions Delay.exponential() is capped at 30 milliseconds #799 (Thanks to @phxql)
Read From Slaves is not working #804 (Thanks to @EXPEbdodla)
GEORADIUS WITHCOORD returns wrong coordinate on multiple results #805 (Thanks to @dittos)
RedisClusterCommands does not extend RedisStreamCommands #821
smembers returns elements in non-deterministic order #823 (Thanks to @alezandr)
StackOverflowError on ScanStream.scan(…).subscribe() #824
ZINCRBY member should be value-typed #826 (Thanks to @fuyuanpai)
Update What's new for Lettuce 5.1 in reference docs #777
Improve Javadoc of QUIT method #781
Upgrade to AssertJ 3.10.0 #794
Upgrade to netty 4.1.29.Final #836
Upgrade to Spring Framework 4.3.18 #837
Upgrade to Reactor Bismuth-SR11 #838
Upgrade to Brave 5.2.0 #839
Upgrade to RxJava 2.2.2 #840
Release Lettuce 5.1.0.RC1 #842
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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吴军 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2013-6 / 45.00元
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