- ReactCompositeComponent.js
/** * Sets a subset of the state. Always use this or `replaceState` to mutate * state. You should treat `this.state` as immutable. * * There is no guarantee that `this.state` will be immediately updated, so * accessing `this.state` after calling this method may return the old value. * * @param {object} partialState Next partial state to be merged with state. * @final * @protected */ setState: function(partialState) { // Merge with `_pendingState` if it exists, otherwise with existing state. this.replaceState(merge(this._pendingState || this.state, partialState)); }, 复制代码
var merge = function(one, two) { var result = {}; mergeInto(result, one); mergeInto(result, two); return result; }; function mergeInto(one, two) { checkMergeObjectArg(one); if (two != null) { checkMergeObjectArg(two); for (var key in two) { if (!two.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; } one[key] = two[key]; } } } checkMergeObjectArgs: function(one, two) { mergeHelpers.checkMergeObjectArg(one); mergeHelpers.checkMergeObjectArg(two); }, /** * @param {*} arg */ checkMergeObjectArg: function(arg) { throwIf(isTerminal(arg) || Array.isArray(arg), ERRORS.MERGE_CORE_FAILURE); }, var isTerminal = function(o) { return typeof o !== 'object' || o === null; }; var throwIf = function(condition, err) { if (condition) { throw new Error(err); } }; 复制代码
诊断代码的逻辑非常简单,其实功能就是 Object.assign()
最终,将merge后的结果传递给 replaceState
replaceState: function(completeState) { var compositeLifeCycleState = this._compositeLifeCycleState; invariant( this._lifeCycleState === ReactComponent.LifeCycle.MOUNTED || compositeLifeCycleState === CompositeLifeCycle.MOUNTING, 'replaceState(...): Can only update a mounted (or mounting) component.' ); invariant( compositeLifeCycleState !== CompositeLifeCycle.RECEIVING_STATE && compositeLifeCycleState !== CompositeLifeCycle.UNMOUNTING, 'replaceState(...): Cannot update while unmounting component or during ' + 'an existing state transition (such as within `render`).' ); this._pendingState = completeState; // Do not trigger a state transition if we are in the middle of mounting or // receiving props because both of those will already be doing this. if (compositeLifeCycleState !== CompositeLifeCycle.MOUNTING && compositeLifeCycleState !== CompositeLifeCycle.RECEIVING_PROPS) { this._compositeLifeCycleState = CompositeLifeCycle.RECEIVING_STATE; var nextState = this._pendingState; this._pendingState = null; var transaction = ReactComponent.ReactReconcileTransaction.getPooled(); transaction.perform( this._receivePropsAndState, this, this.props, nextState, transaction ); ReactComponent.ReactReconcileTransaction.release(transaction); this._compositeLifeCycleState = null; } }, 复制代码
撇开50% 判断warning代码不说,从上面代码我们可以看出,只有在componsiteLifeState不等于mounting和receiving_props 时,才会调用 _receivePropsAndState函数来更新组件。
var ExampleApplication = React.createClass({ getInitialState() { return {} }, componentWillMount() { this.setState({ a: 1, }) console.log('componentWillMount', this.state.a) this.setState({ a: 2, }) console.log('componentWillMount', this.state.a) this.setState({ a: 3, }) console.log('componentWillMount', this.state.a) setTimeout(() => console.log('a5'), 0) setTimeout(() => console.log(this.state.a,'componentWillMount')) Promise.resolve('a4').then(console.log) }, componentDidMount() { this.setState({ a: 4, }) console.log('componentDidMount', this.state.a) this.setState({ a: 5, }) console.log('componentDidMount', this.state.a) this.setState({ a: 6, }) console.log('componentDidMount', this.state.a) }, render: function () { var elapsed = Math.round(this.props.elapsed / 100); var seconds = elapsed / 10 + (elapsed % 10 ? '' : '.0'); var message = 'React has been successfully running for ' + seconds + ' seconds.'; return React.DOM.p(null, message); } }); 复制代码
componentDidMount() { this.setState({val: this.state.val + 1}); console.log(this.state.val); // 第 1 次 log this.setState({val: this.state.val + 1}); console.log(this.state.val); // 第 2 次 log setTimeout(() => { this.setState({val: this.state.val + 1}); console.log(this.state.val); // 第 3 次 log this.setState({val: this.state.val + 1}); console.log(this.state.val); // 第 4 次 log }, 0); } 复制代码
function enqueueUpdate(component) { ensureInjected(); // Various parts of our code (such as ReactCompositeComponent's // _renderValidatedComponent) assume that calls to render aren't nested; // verify that that's the case. (This is called by each top-level update // function, like setProps, setState, forceUpdate, etc.; creation and // destruction of top-level components is guarded in ReactMount.) if (!batchingStrategy.isBatchingUpdates) { batchingStrategy.batchedUpdates(enqueueUpdate, component); return; } dirtyComponents.push(component); } 复制代码
_receivePropsAndState: function(nextProps, nextState, transaction) { if (!this.shouldComponentUpdate || this.shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState)) { this._performComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState, transaction); } else { this.props = nextProps; this.state = nextState; } }, 复制代码
_performComponentUpdate: function(nextProps, nextState, transaction) { var prevProps = this.props; var prevState = this.state; if (this.componentWillUpdate) { this.componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState, transaction); } this.props = nextProps; this.state = nextState; this.updateComponent(transaction); if (this.componentDidUpdate) { transaction.getReactOnDOMReady().enqueue( this, this.componentDidUpdate.bind(this, prevProps, prevState) ); } }, 复制代码
这段代码的核心就是调用 this.updateComponent
_renderValidatedComponent: function() { ReactCurrentOwner.current = this; var renderedComponent = this.render(); ReactCurrentOwner.current = null; return renderedComponent; }, ... ... updateComponent: function(transaction) { var currentComponent = this._renderedComponent; var nextComponent = this._renderValidatedComponent(); if (currentComponent.constructor === nextComponent.constructor) { if (!nextComponent.props.isStatic) { currentComponent.receiveProps(nextComponent.props, transaction); } } else { var thisID = this._rootNodeID; var currentComponentID = currentComponent._rootNodeID; currentComponent.unmountComponent(); var nextMarkup = nextComponent.mountComponent(thisID, transaction); ReactComponent.DOMIDOperations.dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkupByID( currentComponentID, nextMarkup ); this._renderedComponent = nextComponent; } }, 复制代码
这里我们直接看 updateComponent
更新流程,首先获取当前render函数的组件,然后获取下一次render函数的组件, _renderValidatedComponent
就是获取下一次的render组件。 通过Constructor来判断组件是否相同,如果相同且组件为非静态,则更新组件的属性,否则卸载当前组件,然后重新mount下一个render组件并且直接暴力更新。
receiveProps: function(nextProps, transaction) { if (this.constructor.propDeclarations) { this._assertValidProps(nextProps); } ReactComponent.Mixin.receiveProps.call(this, nextProps, transaction); this._compositeLifeCycleState = CompositeLifeCycle.RECEIVING_PROPS; if (this.componentWillReceiveProps) { this.componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps, transaction); } this._compositeLifeCycleState = CompositeLifeCycle.RECEIVING_STATE; var nextState = this._pendingState || this.state; this._pendingState = null; this._receivePropsAndState(nextProps, nextState, transaction); this._compositeLifeCycleState = null; }, 复制代码
我们先从 receiveProps方法开始看
receiveProps: function(nextProps, transaction) { assertValidProps(nextProps); ReactComponent.Mixin.receiveProps.call(this, nextProps, transaction); this._updateDOMProperties(nextProps); this._updateDOMChildren(nextProps, transaction); this.props = nextProps; }, function assertValidProps(props) { if (!props) { return; } var hasChildren = props.children != null ? 1 : 0; var hasContent = props.content != null ? 1 : 0; var hasInnerHTML = props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML != null ? 1 : 0; } 复制代码
删除安全警告和注释其实代码非常简答,首先assertValidProps就是校验props是否合法的,更新属性的方法就是 _updateDOMProperties
_updateDOMProperties: function(nextProps) { var lastProps = this.props; for (var propKey in nextProps) { var nextProp = nextProps[propKey]; var lastProp = lastProps[propKey]; //判断新老属性中的值是否相等 if (!nextProps.hasOwnProperty(propKey) || nextProp === lastProp) { continue; } //如果是style样式,遍历新style,如果去旧style不相同,则把变化的存入styleUpdates对象中。最后调用 updateStylesByID 统一修改dom的style属性。 if (propKey === STYLE) { if (nextProp) { nextProp = nextProps.style = merge(nextProp); } var styleUpdates; for (var styleName in nextProp) { if (!nextProp.hasOwnProperty(styleName)) { continue; } if (!lastProp || lastProp[styleName] !== nextProp[styleName]) { if (!styleUpdates) { styleUpdates = {}; } styleUpdates[styleName] = nextProp[styleName]; } } if (styleUpdates) { ReactComponent.DOMIDOperations.updateStylesByID( this._rootNodeID, styleUpdates ); } } else if (propKey === DANGEROUSLY_SET_INNER_HTML) { var lastHtml = lastProp && lastProp.__html; var nextHtml = nextProp && nextProp.__html; if (lastHtml !== nextHtml) { ReactComponent.DOMIDOperations.updateInnerHTMLByID(//注意这里是innerHtml,所以dangerouslyInnerHTML会展示正常的HTML this._rootNodeID, nextProp ); } } else if (propKey === CONTENT) { ReactComponent.DOMIDOperations.updateTextContentByID(//这里是innerText,所以content与children原封不动的把HTML代码打印到页面上 this._rootNodeID, '' + nextProp ); } else if (registrationNames[propKey]) { putListener(this._rootNodeID, propKey, nextProp); } else { ReactComponent.DOMIDOperations.updatePropertyByID( this._rootNodeID, propKey, nextProp ); } } }, 复制代码
setValueForProperty: function(node, name, value) { if (DOMProperty.isStandardName[name]) { var mutationMethod = DOMProperty.getMutationMethod[name]; if (mutationMethod) { mutationMethod(node, value); } else if (DOMProperty.mustUseAttribute[name]) { if (DOMProperty.hasBooleanValue[name] && !value) { node.removeAttribute(DOMProperty.getAttributeName[name]); } else { node.setAttribute(DOMProperty.getAttributeName[name], value); } } else { var propName = DOMProperty.getPropertyName[name]; if (!DOMProperty.hasSideEffects[name] || node[propName] !== value) { node[propName] = value; } } } else if (DOMProperty.isCustomAttribute(name)) { node.setAttribute(name, value); } } 复制代码
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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John Resig、Bear Bibeault / 徐涛 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2015-10 / 69.00
JavaScript语言非常重要,相关的技术图书也很多,但没有任何一本书对JavaScript语言的重要部分(函数、闭包和原型)进行深入、全面的介绍,也没有任何一本书讲述跨浏览器代码的编写。本书是jQuery库创始人编写的一本深入剖析JavaScript语言的书。 本书共分四个部分,从准入训练、见习训练、忍者训练和火影训练四个层次讲述了逐步成为JavaScript高手的全过程。全书从高级We......一起来看看 《JavaScript忍者秘籍》 这本书的介绍吧!