restful hello world
func main() { ws := new(restful.WebService) ws.Route(ws.GET("/hello").To(hello)) restful.Add(ws) log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)) } func hello(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { io.WriteString(resp, "world") }
1. ws := new(restful.WebService)
webservice定义在web_service.go中, 通过new分配了webservicef空间, 传递给ws指向新分配零值的指针
// WebService holds a collection of Route values that bind a Http Method + URL Path to a function. type WebService struct { rootPath string pathExpr *pathExpression // cached compilation of rootPath as RegExp routes []Route produces []string consumes []string pathParameters []*Parameter filters []FilterFunction documentation string apiVersion string typeNameHandleFunc TypeNameHandleFunction dynamicRoutes bool // protects 'routes' if dynamic routes are enabled routesLock sync.RWMutex }
2.1 ws.GET("/hello")
第一步执行的函数,GET方法绑定在WebServices结构体上,调用改函数参数为 subPath = /hello
, 返回RouteBuilder指针
func (w *WebService) GET(subPath string) *RouteBuilder { return new(RouteBuilder).typeNameHandler(w.typeNameHandleFunc).servicePath(w.rootPath).Method("GET").Path(subPath) }
2.1.1 new(RouteBuilder)
在Get函数中,首先执行 new(RouteBuilder)
, 返回 routebuilder
指针,在webservice的初始化后期可以发现, RouteBuilder
的作用是通过用户定义的参数,初始化 route
// RouteBuilder is a helper to construct Routes. type RouteBuilder struct { rootPath string currentPath string produces []string consumes []string httpMethod string // required function RouteFunction // required filters []FilterFunction conditions []RouteSelectionConditionFunction typeNameHandleFunc TypeNameHandleFunction // required // documentation doc string notes string operation string readSample, writeSample interface{} parameters []*Parameter errorMap map[int]ResponseError metadata map[string]interface{} deprecated bool }
2.1.2 typeNameHandler(w.typeNameHandleFunc)
方法绑定在 RouteBuilder
上, 该函数为赋值函数,将 webservice
中定义的 typeNameHandleFunc TypeNameHandleFunction // required
传递给 routebuilder
, 该变量定义了一类环函数的通用化模板,在初始化前 RouteBuilder
结构体中已经初始化定义了 typeNameHandleFunc TypeNameHandleFunction
// TypeNameHandleFunction declares functions that can handle translating the name of a sample object // into the restful documentation for the service. type TypeNameHandleFunction func(sample interface{}) string
// typeNameHandler sets the function that will convert types to strings in the parameter // and model definitions. func (b *RouteBuilder) typeNameHandler(handler TypeNameHandleFunction) *RouteBuilder { b.typeNameHandleFunc = handler return b }
2.1.3 servicePath(w.rootPath)
w.rootPath 初始值为"",在该函数中, 将webservice中定义的rootpath初始值传递给RouteBuilder,在RouteBuilder中默认的rootPath初始值也为""
func (b *RouteBuilder) servicePath(path string) *RouteBuilder { b.rootPath = path return b }
2.1.4 Method("GET")
设置http方法, 在该例子中,传递了GET方法
// Method specifies what HTTP method to match. Required. func (b *RouteBuilder) Method(method string) *RouteBuilder { b.httpMethod = method return b }
2.1.5 Path(subPath)
// Path specifies the relative (w.r.t WebService root path) URL path to match. Default is "/". func (b *RouteBuilder) Path(subPath string) *RouteBuilder { b.currentPath = subPath return b }
2.2 To(hello)
改函数绑定用户自定义的的处理函数 handler
,当用户发起的 http
访问, 命中 method=GET
path = subPath
后,执行相关逻辑的 function handler
func hello(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { io.WriteString(resp, "world") }
实际上在执行 webservice GET()
函数,直接生成了RouteBuilder并返回对象, 因此function的绑定,直接在RouteBuilder中进行
// RouteFunction declares the signature of a function that can be bound to a Route. type RouteFunction func(*Request, *Response)
// To bind the route to a function. // If this route is matched with the incoming Http Request then call this function with the *Request,*Response pair. Required. func (b *RouteBuilder) To(function RouteFunction) *RouteBuilder { b.function = function return b }
从代码中可以看出自定义的函数类型包括两部分, 分别是 *Request, *Response
在restful中, 定义的request和response都是结构体, 该结构体中定义了http包数据各个模块的存储及获取格式
type Request struct { Request *http.Request pathParameters map[string]string attributes map[string]interface{} // for storing request-scoped values selectedRoutePath string // root path + route path that matched the request, e.g. /meetings/{id}/attendees } type Response struct { http.ResponseWriter requestAccept string // mime-type what the Http Request says it wants to receive routeProduces []string // mime-types what the Route says it can produce statusCode int // HTTP status code that has been written explicitly (if zero then net/http has written 200) contentLength int // number of bytes written for the response body prettyPrint bool // controls the indentation feature of XML and JSON serialization. It is initialized using var PrettyPrintResponses. err error // err property is kept when WriteError is called hijacker http.Hijacker // if underlying ResponseWriter supports it }
2.3 ws.Route(RouteBuilder))]
该函数主要创建新的路由关系,并将产生的 routebuilder
// Route creates a new Route using the RouteBuilder and add to the ordered list of Routes. func (w *WebService) Route(builder *RouteBuilder) *WebService { w.routesLock.Lock() defer w.routesLock.Unlock() builder.copyDefaults(w.produces, w.consumes) w.routes = append(w.routes, builder.Build()) return w }
2.3.1 w.routesLock.Lock()
在webservice初始化中,routesLock初始化为 routesLock sync.RWMutex
2.3.2 defer w.routesLock.Unlock()
采用defer方式golang特性, 函数执行完成后,stack执行,释放掉持有的锁
2.3.3 builder.copyDefaults(w.produces, w.consumes)
2.3.4 RouteBuilder.build()
// Build creates a new Route using the specification details collected by the RouteBuilder func (b *RouteBuilder) Build() Route { pathExpr, err := newPathExpression(b.currentPath) if err != nil { log.Printf("Invalid path:%s because:%v", b.currentPath, err) os.Exit(1) } if b.function == nil { log.Printf("No function specified for route:" + b.currentPath) os.Exit(1) } operationName := b.operation if len(operationName) == 0 && b.function != nil { // extract from definition operationName = nameOfFunction(b.function) } route := Route{ Method: b.httpMethod, Path: concatPath(b.rootPath, b.currentPath), Produces: b.produces, Consumes: b.consumes, Function: b.function, Filters: b.filters, If: b.conditions, relativePath: b.currentPath, pathExpr: pathExpr, Doc: b.doc, Notes: b.notes, Operation: operationName, ParameterDocs: b.parameters, ResponseErrors: b.errorMap, ReadSample: b.readSample, WriteSample: b.writeSample, Metadata: b.metadata, Deprecated: b.deprecated} route.postBuild() return route }
build的过程主要是初始化参数的检查及route初始化过程, 在route的初始化中除了使用routebuiler之前初始化的部分参数,还针对path处理了pathexpr, newPathExpression(b.currentPath)
2.3.5 w.routes = append(w.routes, builder.Build())
将创建的route添加到routes slice中。
- 可以看出来结构上 route是由routebuilder进行创建
- 实际上产生作用的是webservice中的route列表
// Add registers a new WebService add it to the DefaultContainer. func Add(service *WebService) { DefaultContainer.Add(service) }
在ws外面在加了一层container, 改container在init中进行了初始化
func init() { DefaultContainer = NewContainer() DefaultContainer.ServeMux = http.DefaultServeMux }
3.1 DefaultContainer = NewContainer()
创建container对象,并进行初始化, 因此可以看出ws可以有很多个,统一由container进行维护,默认的route路径 /
// NewContainer creates a new Container using a new ServeMux and default router (CurlyRouter) func NewContainer() *Container { return &Container{ webServices: []*WebService{}, ServeMux: http.NewServeMux(), isRegisteredOnRoot: false, containerFilters: []FilterFunction{}, doNotRecover: true, recoverHandleFunc: logStackOnRecover, serviceErrorHandleFunc: writeServiceError, router: CurlyRouter{}, contentEncodingEnabled: false} }
3.2 DefaultContainer.Add(service)
从代码中可以看出来webservice的区分是通过rootPath进行区分的, webservices要保证rootpath的唯一性
// Add a WebService to the Container. It will detect duplicate root paths and exit in that case. func (c *Container) Add(service *WebService) *Container { c.webServicesLock.Lock() defer c.webServicesLock.Unlock() // if rootPath was not set then lazy initialize it if len(service.rootPath) == 0 { service.Path("/") } // cannot have duplicate root paths for _, each := range c.webServices { if each.RootPath() == service.RootPath() { log.Printf("WebService with duplicate root path detected:['%v']", each) os.Exit(1) } } // If not registered on root then add specific mapping if !c.isRegisteredOnRoot { c.isRegisteredOnRoot = c.addHandler(service, c.ServeMux) } c.webServices = append(c.webServices, service) return c }
其中有一点仍然需要注意,在container的绑定中,只将根目录注册到了ServeMux中, 绑定的对应的函数为 container.dispatch()
// addHandler may set a new HandleFunc for the serveMux // this function must run inside the critical region protected by the webServicesLock. // returns true if the function was registered on root ("/") func (c *Container) addHandler(service *WebService, serveMux *http.ServeMux) bool { pattern := fixedPrefixPath(service.RootPath()) // check if root path registration is needed if "/" == pattern || "" == pattern { serveMux.HandleFunc("/", c.dispatch) return true } // detect if registration already exists alreadyMapped := false for _, each := range c.webServices { if each.RootPath() == service.RootPath() { alreadyMapped = true break } } if !alreadyMapped { serveMux.HandleFunc(pattern, c.dispatch) if !strings.HasSuffix(pattern, "/") { serveMux.HandleFunc(pattern+"/", c.dispatch) } } return false }
4. log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))
创建端口监听,将用户的http请求route到对应的函数中, ListenAndServe 在net package中, http routes相关由ServMux进行维护, 由于在上文hello worlde的样子中,container将根目录及c.dispatch初始化到ServeMux中。因此,当发送get请求后,会跳转到container.dispatch中进行二次http route。
// ListenAndServe always returns a non-nil error. func ListenAndServe(addr string, handler Handler) error { server := &Server{Addr: addr, Handler: handler} return server.ListenAndServe() }
1. 路由
上文中通过container、webservice、route的初始化流程,在helloworld的样例中,外部通过http get访问时,http package中的servMux进行了第一次路由找到了对应的container,后调用container.dispatch进行二次路由查找
//闭包 func() { c.webServicesLock.RLock() defer c.webServicesLock.RUnlock() webService, route, err = c.router.SelectRoute( c.webServices, httpRequest) }()
2 c.router.SelectRoute
func (c CurlyRouter) SelectRoute( webServices []*WebService, httpRequest *http.Request) (selectedService *WebService, selected *Route, err error) { requestTokens := tokenizePath(httpRequest.URL.Path) detectedService := c.detectWebService(requestTokens, webServices) if detectedService == nil { if trace { traceLogger.Printf("no WebService was found to match URL path:%s\n", httpRequest.URL.Path) } return nil, nil, NewError(http.StatusNotFound, "404: Page Not Found") } candidateRoutes := c.selectRoutes(detectedService, requestTokens) if len(candidateRoutes) == 0 { if trace { traceLogger.Printf("no Route in WebService with path %s was found to match URL path:%s\n", detectedService.rootPath, httpRequest.URL.Path) } return detectedService, nil, NewError(http.StatusNotFound, "404: Page Not Found") } selectedRoute, err := c.detectRoute(candidateRoutes, httpRequest) if selectedRoute == nil { return detectedService, nil, err } return detectedService, selectedRoute, nil }
在路由转换的逻辑中, 主要包含了3次路由转换
2.1 路由查找webservice
//从url中split路径为token列表 requestTokens := tokenizePath(httpRequest.URL.Path) /* 将获取到的tokens与webServices中的pathExpr.tokens进行计算最大分值(计算分值的方式是token比对 直到出现不同对于{分数自增1跳转到下一步),并返回分值最高的匹配 */ c.detectWebService(requestTokens, webServices)
func (c CurlyRouter) detectWebService(requestTokens []string, webServices []*WebService) *WebService { var best *WebService score := -1 for _, each := range webServices { //在该例子中each.pathExpr.tokens为空,如果为空,默认范围列表中第一个ws matches, eachScore := c.computeWebserviceScore(requestTokens, each.pathExpr.tokens) if matches && (eachScore > score) { best = each score = eachScore } } return best }
2.2 路由查找Route
func (c CurlyRouter) selectRoutes(ws *WebService, requestTokens []string) sortableCurlyRoutes { candidates := sortableCurlyRoutes{} for _, each := range ws.routes { //遍历路由查找,将routes中的tokens进行遍历查找, 找到能够匹配到当前路径的route matches, paramCount, staticCount := c.matchesRouteByPathTokens(each.pathParts, requestTokens) if matches { candidates.add(curlyRoute{each, paramCount, staticCount}) // TODO make sure Routes() return pointers? } } sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(candidates)) return candidates }
func (c CurlyRouter) matchesRouteByPathTokens(routeTokens, requestTokens []string) (matches bool, paramCount int, staticCount int) { if len(routeTokens) < len(requestTokens) { // proceed in matching only if last routeToken is wildcard count := len(routeTokens) if count == 0 || !strings.HasSuffix(routeTokens[count-1], "*}") { return false, 0, 0 } // proceed } for i, routeToken := range routeTokens { if i == len(requestTokens) { // reached end of request path return false, 0, 0 } requestToken := requestTokens[i] if strings.HasPrefix(routeToken, "{") { paramCount++ if colon := strings.Index(routeToken, ":"); colon != -1 { // match by regex matchesToken, matchesRemainder := c.regularMatchesPathToken(routeToken, colon, requestToken) if !matchesToken { return false, 0, 0 } if matchesRemainder { break } } } else { // no { prefix if requestToken != routeToken { return false, 0, 0 } staticCount++ } } return true, paramCount, staticCount }
在routes中查找到的对应的route,统计放在sortableCurlyRoute中进行处理,sortableCurlyRoute是一个封装的按照一定规则进行 排序 的curlyRoute数组
type curlyRoute struct { route Route paramCount int //正则命中 staticCount int //完全匹配命中 }
2.3. route属性相关匹配
在上面中通过path的比对拿到了一个route列表, 列表中记录了route的优先级,在列表中的route都保证了对path的命中, 在function的匹配过程中需要依次检查:
- http method
// http method methodOk := []Route{} for _, each := range ifOk { if httpRequest.Method == each.Method { methodOk = append(methodOk, each) } } if len(methodOk) == 0 { if trace { traceLogger.Printf("no Route found (in %d routes) that matches HTTP method %s\n", len(routes), httpRequest.Method) } return nil, NewError(http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, "405: Method Not Allowed") } inputMediaOk := methodOk
- content-type
contentType := httpRequest.Header.Get(HEADER_ContentType) inputMediaOk = []Route{} for _, each := range methodOk { if each.matchesContentType(contentType) { inputMediaOk = append(inputMediaOk, each) } }
- accept
outputMediaOk := []Route{} accept := httpRequest.Header.Get(HEADER_Accept) if len(accept) == 0 { accept = "*/*" } for _, each := range inputMediaOk { if each.matchesAccept(accept) { outputMediaOk = append(outputMediaOk, each) } } if len(outputMediaOk) == 0 { if trace { traceLogger.Printf("no Route found (from %d) that matches HTTP Accept: %s\n", len(inputMediaOk), accept) } return nil, NewError(http.StatusNotAcceptable, "406: Not Acceptable") }
pathProcessor, routerProcessesPath := c.router.(PathProcessor) if !routerProcessesPath { pathProcessor = defaultPathProcessor{} }
在go-restful中支持fliter的定义, 在执行对应function之前,需要对fliter检查是否命中
pathProcessor, routerProcessesPath := c.router.(PathProcessor) if !routerProcessesPath { pathProcessor = defaultPathProcessor{} } pathParams := pathProcessor.ExtractParameters(route, webService, httpRequest.URL.Path) wrappedRequest, wrappedResponse := route.wrapRequestResponse(writer, httpRequest, pathParams) // pass through filters (if any) if len(c.containerFilters)+len(webService.filters)+len(route.Filters) > 0 { // compose filter chain allFilters := []FilterFunction{} allFilters = append(allFilters, c.containerFilters...) allFilters = append(allFilters, webService.filters...) allFilters = append(allFilters, route.Filters...) chain := FilterChain{Filters: allFilters, Target: func(req *Request, resp *Response) { // handle request by route after passing all filters route.Function(wrappedRequest, wrappedResponse) }} chain.ProcessFilter(wrappedRequest, wrappedResponse) } else { // no filters, handle request by route route.Function(wrappedRequest, wrappedResponse) }
在hello world例子中没有fliter相关功能, 因此可以直接跳转到 route.Function(wrappedRequest, wrappedResponse)
,执行hello world对应的function, function中调用 io.WriteString(resp, "world")
将resp写回到net/server缓冲区中,io loop并写回到socket fd中完成通信。
func hello(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { fmt.Println("hello world") io.WriteString(resp, "world") }
一种Route的设定包含:请求方法(http Method),请求路径(URL Path),输入输出类型(JSON/YAML)以及对应的回掉函数restful.RouteFunction,响应内容类型(Accept)等。
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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