内容简介:Wireshark 2.6.3 已发布,Wireshark 是世界上最流行的开源、免费跨平台网络协议分析软件,它经常被网络专家用户排错、部署、分析和教育活动中。 Bug Fixes The following vulnerabilities have been fixed: wnpa-...
Wireshark 2.6.3 已发布,Wireshark 是世界上最流行的开源、免费跨平台网络协议分析软件,它经常被网络专家用户排错、部署、分析和教育活动中。
Bug Fixes
The following vulnerabilities have been fixed:
Bluetooth AVDTP dissector crash. Bug 14884. CVE-2018-16058.
Bluetooth Attribute Protocol dissector crash. Bug 14994. CVE-2018-16056.
Radiotap dissector crash. Bug 15022. CVE-2018-16057.
The following bugs have been fixed:
Wireshark Hangs on startup initializing external capture plugins. Bug 14657.
Qt: SCTP Analyse Association Dialog: Segmentation fault when clicking twice the Filter Association button. Bug 14970.
Incorrect presentation of dissected data item (NETMASK) in ISAKMP dissector. Bug 14987.
Decode NFAPI: CONFIG.request Error. Bug 14988.
udpdump frame too long error. Bug 14989.
ISDN - LAPD dissector broken since version 2.5.0. Bug 15018.
ASTERIX Category 062 / 135 Altitude has wrong value. Bug 15030.
Wireshark cannot decrypt SSL/TLS session if it was proxied over HTTP tunnel. Bug 15042.
TLS records in a HTTP tunnel are displayed as "Encrypted Handshake Message". Bug 15043.
BTATT Dissector: Temperature Measurement: Celsius and Fahrenheit swapped. Bug 15058.
Diameter AVP User Location Info, Mobile Network Code decoded not correctly. Bug 15068.
Heartbeat message "Info" displayed without comma separator. Bug 15079.
Updated Protocol Support
ASTERIX, Bluetooth, Bluetooth ATT, Bluetooth AVDTP, DHCP, DTLS, E.212, FP, GSM A RR, HTTP, HTTP2, IEEE 802.11, ISAKMP, ISDN, K12, NFAPI, Nordic BLE, PFCP, Radiotap, SSL, Steam IHS Discovery, and TLS 1.3
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
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- Wireshark 2.6.1 发布,应用广泛的网络协议分析器
- Wireshark 2.6.3 发布,应用广泛的网络协议分析器
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于航 / 电子工业出版社 / 2018-11 / 128.00元
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