在Web开发中,无论是 PHP 的框架还是 Python 的框架,都会遇到使用模板的时候
第一步 功能开发
<?php namespace app\components; use app\helpers\HtmlMinifyHelper; use Yii; use yii\base\Component; use yii\base\Event; use yii\web\Response; use yii\web\View; class HtmlMinify extends Component { /** * Minify html. Process before response send * @var bool */ public $html = false; /** * Minify css on page, added by registerCss. Process before render page in view component * @var bool */ public $css = false; /** * Minify css on page. Process before render page in view component * @var bool */ public $js = false; /** * Response formats list, where enable minify html * @var array */ public $formats = [ Response::FORMAT_HTML, ]; public function init() { /** @var $this View */ Yii::$app->view->on(View::EVENT_END_PAGE, [$this, 'onEventEndPage']); Yii::$app->response->on(Response::EVENT_BEFORE_SEND, [$this, 'onEventBeforeSend']); } public function onEventEndPage(Event $event) { $view = $event->sender; if ($this->css && !empty($view->css)) { foreach ($view->css as &$css) { $css = HtmlMinifyHelper::css($css); } } if ($this->js && !empty($view->js)) { foreach ($view->js as &$list) { foreach ($list as &$js) { $js = HtmlMinifyHelper::js($js); } } } } public function onEventBeforeSend(Event $event) { $response = $event->sender; if ($this->html & in_array($response->format, $this->formats)) { if (!empty($response->data)) { $response->data = HtmlMinifyHelper::html($response->data); } if (!empty($response->content)) { $response->content = HtmlMinifyHelper::html($response->content); } } } }
<?php namespace app\helpers; class HtmlMinifyHelper { public static function html($input) { if (trim($input) === "") { return $input; } // Remove extra white-space(s) between HTML attribute(s) $input = preg_replace_callback('#<([^\/\s<>!]+)(?:\s+([^<>]*?)\s*|\s*)(\/?)>#s', function ($matches) { return '<' . $matches[1] . preg_replace('#([^\s=]+)(\=([\'"]?)(.*?)\3)?(\s+|$)#s', ' $1$2', $matches[2]) . $matches[3] . '>'; }, str_replace("\r", "", $input)); // Minify inline CSS declaration(s) if (strpos($input, ' style=') !==false){ $input=preg_replace_callback('#<([^<]+?)\s+style=([\'"])(.*?)\2(?=[\/\s>])#s',function ($matches){ return '<' . $matches[1] . ' style=' . $matches[2] . self::css($matches[3]) . $matches[2]; }, $input); } return preg_replace( [ // t = text // o = tag open // c = tag close // Keep important white-space(s) after self-closing HTML tag(s) '#<(img|input)(>| .*?>)#s', // Remove a line break and two or more white-space(s) between tag(s) '#(<!--.*?-->)|(>)(?:\n*|\s{2,})(<)|^\s*|\s*$#s', '#(<!--.*?-->)|(?<!\>)\s+(<\/.*?>)|(<[^\/]*?>)\s+(?!\<)#s', // t+c || o+t '#(<!--.*?-->)|(<[^\/]*?>)\s+(<[^\/]*?>)|(<\/.*?>)\s+(<\/.*?>)#s', // o+o || c+c '#(<!--.*?-->)|(<\/.*?>)\s+(\s)(?!\<)|(?<!\>)\s+(\s)(<[^\/]*?\/?>)|(<[^\/]*?\/?>)\s+(\s)(?!\<)#s', // c+t || t+o || o+t -- separated by long white-space(s) '#(<!--.*?-->)|(<[^\/]*?>)\s+(<\/.*?>)#s', // empty tag '#<(img|input)(>| .*?>)<\/\1>#s', // reset previous fix '#( ) (?![<\s])#', // clean up ... '#(?<=\>)( )(?=\<)#', // --ibid // Remove HTML comment(s) except IE comment(s) '#\s*<!--(?!\[if\s).*?-->\s*|(?<!\>)\n+(?=\<[^!])#s', ], [ '<$1$2</$1>', '$1$2$3', '$1$2$3', '$1$2$3$4$5', '$1$2$3$4$5$6$7', '$1$2$3', '<$1$2', '$1 ', '$1', "", ], $input); } public static function css($input) { if (trim($input) === "") { return $input; } return preg_replace( [ // Remove comment(s) '#("(?:[^"\\\]++|\\\.)*+"|\'(?:[^\'\\\\]++|\\\.)*+\')|\/\*(?!\!)(?>.*?\*\/)|^\s*|\s*$#s', // Remove unused white-space(s) '#("(?:[^"\\\]++|\\\.)*+"|\'(?:[^\'\\\\]++|\\\.)*+\'|\/\*(?>.*?\*\/))|\s*+;\s*+(})\s*+|\s*+([*$~^|]?+=|[{};,>~+]|\s*+-(?![0-9\.])|!important\b)\s*+|([[(:])\s++|\s++([])])|\s++(:)\s*+(?!(?>[^{}"\']++|"(?:[^"\\\]++|\\\.)*+"|\'(?:[^\'\\\\]++|\\\.)*+\')*+{)|^\s++|\s++\z|(\s)\s+#si', // Replace `0(cm|em|ex|in|mm|pc|pt|px|vh|vw|%)` with `0` '#(?<=[\s:])(0)(cm|em|ex|in|mm|pc|pt|px|vh|vw|%)#si', // Replace `:0 0 0 0` with `:0` '#:(0\s+0|0\s+0\s+0\s+0)(?=[;\}]|\!important)#i', // Replace `background-position:0` with `background-position:0 0` '#(background-position):0(?=[;\}])#si', // Replace `0.6` with `.6`, but only when preceded by `:`, `,`, `-` or a white-space '#(?<=[\s:,\-])0+\.(\d+)#s', // Minify string value '#(\/\*(?>.*?\*\/))|(?<!content\:)([\'"])([a-z_][a-z0-9\-_]*?)\2(?=[\s\{\}\];,])#si', '#(\/\*(?>.*?\*\/))|(\burl\()([\'"])([^\s]+?)\3(\))#si', // Minify HEX color code '#(?<=[\s:,\-]\#)([a-f0-6]+)\1([a-f0-6]+)\2([a-f0-6]+)\3#i', // Replace `(border|outline):none` with `(border|outline):0` '#(?<=[\{;])(border|outline):none(?=[;\}\!])#', // Remove empty selector(s) '#(\/\*(?>.*?\*\/))|(^|[\{\}])(?:[^\s\{\}]+)\{\}#s', ], [ '$1', '$1$2$3$4$5$6$7', '$1', ':0', '$1:0 0', '.$1', '$1$3', '$1$2$4$5', '$1$2$3', '$1:0', '$1$2', ], $input); } public static function js($input) { if (trim($input) === "") { return $input; } return preg_replace( [ // Remove comment(s) '#\s*("(?:[^"\\\]++|\\\.)*+"|\'(?:[^\'\\\\]++|\\\.)*+\')\s*|\s*\/\*(?!\!|@cc_on)(?>[\s\S]*?\*\/)\s*|\s*(?<![\:\=])\/\/.*(?=[\n\r]|$)|^\s*|\s*$#', // Remove white-space(s) outside the string and regex '#("(?:[^"\\\]++|\\\.)*+"|\'(?:[^\'\\\\]++|\\\.)*+\'|\/\*(?>.*?\*\/)|\/(?!\/)[^\n\r]*?\/(?=[\s.,;]|[gimuy]|$))|\s*([!%&*\(\)\-=+\[\]\{\}|;:,.<>?\/])\s*#s', // Remove the last semicolon '#;+\}#', // Minify object attribute(s) except JSON attribute(s). From `{'foo':'bar'}` to `{foo:'bar'}` '#([\{,])([\'])(\d+|[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)\2(?=\:)#i', // --ibid. From `foo['bar']` to `foo.bar` '#([a-z0-9_\)\]])\[([\'"])([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)\2\]#i', ], [ '$1', '$1$2', '}', '$1$3', '$1.$3', ], $input); } }
第二步 功能配置
'htmlMinify' => [ 'class' => 'app\components\HtmlMinify', 'html' => !YII_ENV_DEV, // 这里只开启了html的 ],
'bootstrap' => ['log', 'htmlMinify'], // log是默认加的, htmlMinify是我们自己加的
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