内容简介:Nest.js v5.2.0 正式版已发布,更新内容主要是新功能的增加、bug 修复和其他方面的改进。具体如下:新特性Bug 修复
Nest.js v5.2.0 正式版已发布,更新内容主要是新功能的增加、bug 修复和其他方面的改进。具体如下:
common: provide global config for axios instance
#846 -
core: use default exception filter handler on condition (extend core class) #860
core: add
decorator #847 -
core: enhance
(for 3rd-party libraries purposes) -
core: allow ModuleRef to get imported providers (strict/non-strict mode) #832
core: support DynamicModule in
Bug 修复
common: multiple
interceptors per class #935 -
common: custom decorators shouldn't require "data" parameter #892
core: fastify & middleware wildcards bug #972
core: innherited guards not being applied #879
microservices: NATS subject wrapping no longer messing wildcards up #948
core: allow using single
instance #926 -
core: hierarchical module resolution #938
microservices: use
withing gRPC transport #980 -
testing: recursively trigger
hook for testing module #899
发布主页和源码下载 https://github.com/nestjs/nest/releases/tag/v5.2.0
Nest 是构建高效、可扩展的 Node.js Web 应用程序的框架。它使用现代的 JavaScript 或 TypeScript(保留与纯 JavaScript 的兼容性),并结合 OOP(面向对象编程),FP(函数式编程)和 FRP(函数响应式编程)的元素。在底层,Nest 使用了 Express,可以方便地使用各种可用的第三方插件。
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The Probabilistic Method
Noga Alon、Joel H. Spencer / Wiley-Interscience / 2008-8-11 / USD 137.00
Praise for the Second Edition : "Serious researchers in combinatorics or algorithm design will wish to read the book in its entirety...the book may also be enjoyed on a lighter level since the diffe......一起来看看 《The Probabilistic Method》 这本书的介绍吧!