内容简介:Chef 14.4.47 发布了,Chef 是一个系统集成框架,为整个架构提供配置管理功能。 更新内容如下: Modernize our Rakefile / Version bumping system #7574 (tas50) lazy the default resource_name until after p...
Chef 14.4.47 发布了,Chef 是一个系统集成框架,为整个架构提供配置管理功能。
Modernize our Rakefile / Version bumping system #7574 (tas50)
lazy the default resource_name until after parsing #7566 (
lamont -granquist )switch shell_out to shell_out! in
func tests #7565 (
lamont -granquist )Validatorless bootstrap fix #7562 (
coderanger )Support for battery power options in windows_task resource #7483 (
dheerajd -msys )Restart Python yum helper before each repo enable/disable #7558 (
cosinusoidally )Fix failed RHEL6 32-bit functional tests #7555 (
lamont -granquist )Add new
openssl resources: ec_private_key, ec_public_key, certificate, and x509_request #7513 (tas50)
Update to
openssl windows_package: Fix package sensitive error #7353 (
dheerajd -msys )Require
mixlib -
shellout Fix issue of setting comment for windows user #7537 (
NAshwini )Run
rspec tests within a kitchen container on CentOS 7 #7529 (
lamont -granquist )osx_profile: Use the full path to /
usr Update
inspec stop parsing init script at the "### END INIT INFO" marker. #7525 (goblin23)
Maybe hold off on
rspec 3.8 #7527 (
cheeseplus )add chef_version API to provides lines #7524 (
lamont -granquist )Prevent failures RHSM resources by using default_env
in execute [SHACK-290] Unpacking tarball paths suffer from URI error #7523 (tyler-ball)
Always update both the loaded
sysctl value and the
sysctl .d value on disk #7519 (Nimesh-Msys)
MSYS-858 : added warning if allow_downgrade set to be false and tried to install older version #7495 (
piyushawasthi )[SHACK-304] Deprecation checking turns up false positive #7515 (tyler-ball)
Assume credentials supplied are still valid if they cannot be validated due to a Windows account restriction #7416(
stuartpreston )Bump version of ISO8601 to latest (0.11.0) #7505 (Nimesh-Msys)
Functional tests: Ensure we
logon with the local security_user account #7498 (
stuartpreston )Handling Quotes in Windows Task Commands and Arguments #7497 (Nimesh-Msys)
Expand platform support for the
route ifconfig : Add gateway property on RHEL/Debian based systems #7475 (tas50)
Pull in the latest
inspec group: convert to properties with descriptions and improve comma separated parsing #7474 (tas50)
Allow specifying VLAN & Gateway on RHEL/Centos #6400 (
tomdoherty )ifconfig add back clean_array API #7477 (
lamont -granquist )Make gem_installer generate a valid Gemfile #6168 (
oclaussen )Improve the error message when knife bootstrap windows
isn't Move all knife cookbook site plugin logic into knife supermarket #7466 (tas50)
Fix duplicated query parameters to resolve Chef::HTTP::Simple regression #7465 (
lamont -granquist )Fixing array args in some
unix providers #7379 (
lamont -granquist )Add knife config get/use-profile commands #7455 (
coderanger )Remove require
mixlib /
shellouts [MSYS-843] - Add remove_account_right function to win32/security #7445 (Nimesh-Msys)
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
猜你喜欢:- Chef 14.4.47 发布,允许在 RHEL/Centos 上指定 VLAN
- c# – “SMTP主机未指定” – 但是是否指定?
- 运维安全 | 如何限制指定账户不能SSH只能SFTP在指定目录
- c – 强制允许取消引用NULL指针
- xml – 如何定义XSD以允许任何元素
- Zabbix监控指定端口
陈宝林 / 清华大学出版社 / 2005-10-1 / 46.00元
最优化理论与算法(第2版),ISBN:9787302113768,作者:陈宝林 编著一起来看看 《最优化理论与算法》 这本书的介绍吧!