内容简介:Jenkins 2.138(每周更新版) 和 2.121.3(LTS 版) 已发布。 更新内容如下 2.121.3(LTS) Security fixes. (security advisory) Security hardening related to Stapler routing. Robustness: Don't break queue ...
Jenkins 2.138(每周更新版) 和 2.121.3(LTS 版) 已发布。
Security fixes. (security advisory)
Security hardening related to Stapler routing.
Robustness: Don't break queue processing when the configured queue sorter throws exceptions. (issue 52159)
for use in XStream (XML serialization) and Remoting (agent communication). (issue 52534)Fix a potential deadlock between queue maintenance and asynchronous execution. (issue 46248)
Security hardening: Prevent files in
archives from being written to a path outside the destination directory. (issue 51777)Dynamically loaded plugins now have any
extensions scheduled. (issue 28683)Developer: Remove
Beta API. (issue 52417)
Security fixes. (security advisory)
Security hardening related to Stapler routing.
下载地址 https://jenkins.io/download/
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
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[美] 肯尼思·戈德史密斯 / 刘畅 / 北京联合出版公司 / 2017-9 / 39.80元
我们平时上网多大程度上是浪费时间,多大程度是在学习、关心社会、激发创造力?我们真能彻底断网,逃离社交网络吗? 手机把都市人变成一群电子僵尸,是福是祸? 浏览记录就是我们将来的回忆录吗?文件归档属于一种现代民间艺术? 不自拍、P图、发朋友圈,我还是我吗? 美国知名概念艺术家戈德史密斯认为:上网绝不是浪费时间,而是一种创造性的活动。在本书中他以跨学科角度、散文式语言进行论证,涉及大众传播学、计算......一起来看看 《如何不在网上虚度人生》 这本书的介绍吧!