内容简介:Wireshark 2.6.2 已发布,Wireshark 是世界上最流行的开源、免费跨平台网络协议分析软件,它经常被网络专家用户排错、部署、分析和教育活动中。Bug 修复:The following vulnerabilities have been fixed:
Wireshark 2.6.2 已发布,Wireshark 是世界上最流行的开源、免费跨平台网络协议分析软件,它经常被网络专家用户排错、部署、分析和教育活动中。
Bug 修复:
The following vulnerabilities have been fixed:
BGP dissector large loop. Bug 13741 . CVE-2018-14342 .
ISMP dissector crash. Bug 14672 . CVE-2018-14344 .
Multiple dissectors could crash. Bug 14675 . CVE-2018-14340 .
ASN.1 BER dissector crash. Bug 14682 . CVE-2018-14343 .
MMSE dissector infinite loop. Bug 14738 . CVE-2018-14339 .
DICOM dissector crash. Bug 14742 . CVE-2018-14341 .
Bazaar dissector infinite loop. Bug 14841 . CVE-2018-14368 .
HTTP2 dissector crash. Bug 14869 . CVE-2018-14369 .
CoAP dissector crash. Bug 14966 . CVE-2018-14367 .
The following bugs have been fixed:
ISMP.EDP "Tuples" dissected incorrectly. Bug 4943 .
Wireshark - Race issue when switching between files using Wireshark’s "Files in Set" dialog. Bug 10870 .
Sorting on "Source port" or "Destination port" column sorts alphabetically, not numerically. Bug 11460 .
Wireshark crashes when changing profiles. Bug 11648 .
Crash when starting capture while saving capture file or rescanning file after display filter change. Bug 13594 .
Crash when switching to TRANSUM enabled profile. Bug 13697 .
TCP retransmission with additional payload leads to incorrect bytes and length in stream. Bug 13700 .
Wireshark crashes with single quote string display filter. Bug 14084 .
randpkt can write packets that libwiretap can’t read. Bug 14107 .
Wireshark crashes when loading new file before previous load has finished. Bug 14351 .
Valid packet produces Malformed Packet: OpcUa. Bug 14465 .
Error received from dissect_wccp2_hash_assignment_info(). Bug 14573 .
CRC checker wrong for FPP. Bug 14610 .
Cross-build broken due to make-dissectors and make-taps. Bug 14622 .
Extraction of SMB file results in wrong size. Bug 14662 .
6LoWPAN dissector merges fragments from different sources. Bug 14700 .
IP address to name resolution doesn’t work in TShark. Bug 14711 .
"Decode as" Modbus RTU over USB doesn’t work with 2.6.0 but with 2.4.6. Bug 14717 .
proto_tree_add_protocol_format might leak memory. Bug 14719 .
tostring for NSTime objects in lua gives wrong results. Bug 14720 .
Media type "application/octet-stream" registered for both Thread and UASIP. Bug 14729 .
Crash related to SCTP tap. Bug 14733 .
Formatting of OSI area addresses/address prefixes goes past the end of the area address/address prefix. Bug 14744 .
ICMPv6 Router Renumbering - Packet Dissector - malformed. Bug 14755 .
WiMAX HARQ MAP decoder segfaults when length is too short. Bug 14780 .
HTTP PUT request following a HEAD request is not correctly decoded. Bug 14793 .
SYNC PDU type 3 miss the last PDU length. Bug 14823 .
Reversed 128 bits service UUIDs when Bluetooth Low Energy advertisement data are dissected. Bug 14843 .
Issues with Wireshark when the user doesn’t have permission to capture. Bug 14847 .
Wrong description when LE Bluetooth Device Address type is dissected. Bug 14866 .
LE Role advertisement type (0x1c) is not dissected properly according to the Bluetooth specification. Bug 14868 .
Regression: Wireshark 2.6.0 and 2.6.1 are unable to read NetMon files which were readable by previous versions. Bug 14876 .
Wireshark doesn’t properly display (deliberately) invalid 220 responses from Postfix. Bug 14878 .
Follow TCP Stream and click reassembled content moves you to incorrect current packet. Bug 14898 .
Crash when changing profiles while loading a capture file. Bug 14918 .
Duplicate PDU during C Arrays Output Export. Bug 14933 .
DCE/RPC not dissected when "reserved for use by implementations" flag bits set. Bug 14942 .
Follow TCP Stream truncates output on missing (but ACKed) segments. Bug 14944 .
There’s no option to include column headings when printing packets or exporting packet dissections with Qt Wireshark. Bug 14945 .
Qt: SCTP Graph Dialog: Abort when doing analysis. Bug 14971 .
CMake is unable to find LUA libraries. Bug 14983 .
完整更新内容请查阅: https://www.wireshark.org/docs/relnotes/wireshark-2.6.2.html
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- Wireshark 2.6.1 发布,应用广泛的网络协议分析器
- Wireshark 2.6.3 发布,应用广泛的网络协议分析器
- Wireshark 2.6.3 发布,应用广泛的网络协议分析器
- Wireshark 2.6.5 发布,应用广泛的网络协议分析器
Steve Souders / 口碑网前端团队 / 电子工业出版社 / 2010年4月 / 49.80元
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