码云推荐 | React 版 web 3D 地球数据可视化组件库

栏目: 编程工具 · 发布时间: 6年前

内容简介:React-Giojsis the react version of the open source library

码云推荐 | React 版 web 3D 地球数据可视化组件库


码云推荐 | React 版 web 3D 地球数据可视化组件库 码云推荐 | React 版 web 3D 地球数据可视化组件库 码云推荐 | React 版 web 3D 地球数据可视化组件库 码云推荐 | React 版 web 3D 地球数据可视化组件库

React-Giojsis the react version of the open source library Gio.js . Gio.js is an open source library for web 3D globe data visualization built with Three.js. What makes Gio.js different is that it is simple to use Gio.js to customize a 3D data visualization model in a declarative way, add your own data, and integrate it into your own modern web application.

码云推荐 | React 版 web 3D 地球数据可视化组件库

Table of Content

Getting Started


  • Option 1: npm
npm install react-giojs --save
  • Option 2: yarn
yarn add react-giojs


After install react-giojs, create a Gio tag to render the 3D Gio globe:

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import axios from 'axios';

// import gio component from "react-giojs"

import Gio from 'react-giojs';

class App extends Component {

    constructor() {

        this.state = {
            data: null

    componentDidMount() {
            .then(response => this.setState({data: response.data}))

    render() {

        return (
            // add data to "data" attribute, and render <Gio> tag
            <Gio data={this.state.data} />

export default App;

If everything goes well, you should see this .

Try it online


Provide a some prop to the component, which will customize Gio globe, the code below introduce all these customizable props.

Know more about what these API means, check out Gio.js document


        // width of the Gio container
        width: 400,

        // height of the Gio container
        height: 500,

        // data of the Gio controller, in Json format
        data: data,

        // API to switch to a specific country without click on the globe
        forceSwitchCountry: "US",

        // user can set these configs to define how the Gio look like, this is the same as the parameter of Gio.js's configure() API
        configs: {

            control: {

                // whether show stats (boolean)
                stats: false,

                // whether let unmentioned country unclickable (boolean)
                disableUnmentioned: false,

                // whether let the country mentioned in dataset lighter (boolean)
                lightenMentioned: false,

                // only show in line for selected country (boolean)
                inOnly: true,

                // only show out line for selected country (boolean)
                outOnly: false,

                // set the initial selected country (ISO3166, String, eg. "CN")
                initCountry: "CN",

                // whether show halo (boolean)
                halo: true


            // set elements' color, parameter can be: string (eg. "#ffffff") or hex number (eg. 0xffffff)
            color: {

                // surface color
                surface: 0x48C12,

                // color of selected country
                selected: 0xF17F49,

                // color of in line of selected country
                in: 0x0091FF,

                // color of out line of selected country
                out: 0xFF8000,

                // halo color
                halo: 0X2C4247,

                // background color, area behind the globe
                background: 0x1A2029


            // set the brightness of elements, parameter range can be [0, 1]
            brightness: {

                // brightness of ocean on the earth's surface
                ocean: 0.5,

                // brightness of country mentioned in the data set
                mentioned: 1,

                // country related to the selected country (in or out)
                related: 0.1





These documentations are about Gio.js, which introduce what Gio.js is, how to use Gio.js, how to contributor to Gio.js, and so on. We are trying our best to write more documentation about react-giojs.


  • More documentation for React-giojs
  • Official website for React-giojs
  • Online demos for React-giojs
  • Follow Gio.js 2.0



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(美)Brian W. Kernighan、(美)Dennis M. Ritchie / 徐宝文、李志译、尤晋元审校 / 机械工业出版社 / 2004-1 / 30.00元

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