Android Studio 3.3 Canary 2 发布,包含新功能和修复

栏目: 编程工具 · Android · 发布时间: 6年前

内容简介:Android Studio 3.3 Canary 2新特性bug 修复

Android Studio 3.3 Canary 2 已发布 。该版本带来了不少新特性和升级,此外还针对多个错误进行了修复。例如由于 Java 库依赖性不正确,无法构建动态功能,又比如在某些情况下,Android Studio 3.3 Canary 1 的用户被错误地提示安装 Beta 系列的先前版本。


  • The Exceptions Support (-fexceptions) and  Runtime Type Information Support (-frtti) options have been removed from the  Customize C++ Support page of the  Create New Project wizard. These controls referred to features that are now always enabled.

  • The dexlib2 library has been updated to version 2.2.4.

  • Processing of Java resources has been moved to the R8 resource API from the Android Gradle Plugin (AGP).

  • The templates used when creating a new project have been updated to use the settings in proguard-android-optimize.txt , which enables several Kotlin optimizations, including some in R8 regarding lambda merging and null analysis.

bug 修复

  • In some cases, users of Android Studio 3.3 Canary 1 were incorrectly prompted to install previous builds in the Beta channel.

  • A rendering error in the Component Tree pane in the Layout Editor prevented the display of names of components.

  • Adding a new item using the New Image Asset dialog failed.

  • The CreateFullJarDebug task ran unnecessarily because Gradle never considered it to be up to date.

  • Dynamic features failed to build because of an incorrect Java library dependency.


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优米网 / 同心出版社 / 2013-6-1 / 42.00元

史玉柱迄今为止唯一公开著作。 亲口讲述24年创业历程与营销心得。 中国商业思想史里程碑之作! 24年跌宕起伏,功成身退,史玉柱向您娓娓道来,历经时间沉淀的商业智慧和人生感悟。 在书中,史玉柱毫无保留地回顾了创业以来的经历和各阶段的思考。全书没有深奥的理论,铅华洗尽、朴实无华,往往在轻描淡写之间,一语道破营销的本质。 关于产品开发、营销传播、广告投放、团队管理、创业投资......一起来看看 《史玉柱自述》 这本书的介绍吧!

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