内容简介:iTerm2 已发布 3.2.0 正式版本,这是一款用于 macOS 的终端模拟器。 iTerm2 是 iTerm 的后继者,也是 Terminal 的替代者。支持窗口分割、热键、搜索、自动补齐、无鼠标复制、历史粘贴、即时重播等功能特性,适用于...
iTerm2 已发布 3.2.0 正式版本,这是一款用于 macOS 的终端模拟器。
iTerm2 是 iTerm 的后继者,也是 Terminal 的替代者。支持窗口分割、热键、搜索、自动补齐、无鼠标复制、历史粘贴、即时重播等功能特性,适用于 MacOS 10.10 及以上版本。
3.2.0 的主要更改是使用基于 Metal 2 的新渲染引擎,拥有更强大的性能。该版本包含以下新特性:
Metal renderer
Show inline images in Retina resolution.
There is a new key binding action to toggle mouse reporting.
Semantic history now recognizes visual studio code-style "filename[line, column]" references.
There's a new type of trigger that turns text into a hyperlink.
Add support for VS Code Insiders to semantic history's editors.
Warn if the terminal tries to access the clipboard when it lacks permission rather than silently denying it.
Change ReportCellSize to include a scale factor, which gives how much images will be downscaled by because of Retina support.
New advanced pref: Fraction of character鈥檚 width on its right side that can be used to select the character to its right.
New advanced pref: Open a new window when you click the dock icon and no windows are already open?
New advanced pref: When Focus Follows Mouse is enabled, activate the window under the cursor when iTerm2 becomes active?
New advanced pref: Underline Semantic History-selectable items under the cursor while holding cmd?
You can now escape $$ in an Applescript profile command with $$$$
New advanced pref (affecting semantic history's URL detection): URLs must contain a scheme?
New advanced pref: Minimum weight difference between regular and bold font.
更多详情可查阅 change log
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
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