内容简介:在前面介绍的DBSCAN算法中,有两个初始参数Eps(邻域半径)和minPts(Eps邻域最小点数)需要手动设置,并且聚类的结果对这两个参数的取值非常敏感,不同的取值将产生不同的聚类结果。为了克服DBSCAN算法这一缺点,提出了OPTICS算法(Ordering Points to identify the clustering structure),翻译过来就是,对点排序以此来确定簇结构。OPTICS是对DBSCAN的一个扩展算法。该算法可以让算法对半径Eps不再敏感。只要确定minPts的值,半径Ep
在前面介绍的DBSCAN算法中,有两个初始参数Eps(邻域半径)和minPts(Eps邻域最小点数)需要手动设置,并且聚类的结果对这两个参数的取值非常敏感,不同的取值将产生不同的聚类结果。为了克服DBSCAN算法这一缺点,提出了OPTICS算法(Ordering Points to identify the clustering structure),翻译过来就是,对点 排序 以此来确定簇结构。
可达距离是根据核心距离来定义的。对于核心点x的邻点x1、x2、…xn 而言,如果他们到点x的距离大于点x’的核心距离,则其可达距离为该点到点x的实际距离;如果他们到点x的距离核心距离小于点x’的核心距离的话,则其可达距离就是点x的核心距离,即在x’以内的点到x的距离都以此核心距离来记录。
输入:样本集D, 邻域半径ε, 给定点在ε领域内成为核心对象的最小领域点数MinPts
- 创建两个队列,有序队列和结果队列。(有序队列用来存储核心对象及其该核心对象的直接可达对象,并按可达距离升序排列;结果队列用来存储样本点的输出次序。你可以把有序队列里面放的理解为待处理的数据,而结果队列里放的是已经处理完的数据)。
- 如果所有样本集D中所有点都处理完毕,则算法结束。否则,选择一个未处理(即不在结果队列中)且为核心对象的样本点,找到其所有直接密度可达样本点,如过该样本点不存在于结果队列中,则将其放入有序队列中,并按可达距离排序
- 如果有序队列为空,则跳至步骤2(重新选取处理数据)。否则,从有序队列中取出第一个样本点(即可达距离最小的样本点)进行拓展,并将取出的样本点保存至结果队列中(如果它不存在结果队列当中的话)。然后进行下面的处理。
- 判断该拓展点是否是核心对象,如果不是,回到步骤3(因为它不是核心对象,所以无法进行扩展了。那么就回到步骤3里面,取最小的。这里要注意,第二次取不是取第二小的,因为第一小的已经放到了结果队列中了,所以第二小的就变成第一小的了。)。如果该点是核心对象,则找到该拓展点所有的直接密度可达点。
- 判断该直接密度可达样本点是否已经存在结果队列,是则不处理,否则下一步。
- 如果有序队列中已经存在该直接密度可达点,如果此时新的可达距离小于旧的可达距离,则用新可达距离取代旧可达距离,有序队列重新排序(因为一个对象可能直接由多个核心对象可达,因此,可达距离近的肯定是更好的选择)。
- 如果有序队列中不存在该直接密度可达样本点,则插入该点,并对有序队列重新排序。
- 迭代2,3。
- 算法结束,输出结果队列中的有序样本点。
- D: 待聚类的集合
- Q: 有序队列,元素按照可达距离排序,可达距离最小的在队首
- O: 结果队列,最后输出结果的点集的有序队列
- 从结果队列中按顺序取出点,如果该点的可达距离不大于给定半径ε,则该点属于当前类别,否则至步骤2
- 如果该点的核心距离大于给定半径ε,则该点为噪声,可以忽略,否则该点属于新的聚类,跳至步骤1
- 结果队列遍历结束,则算法结束
- X轴代表OPTICS算法处理点的顺序,Y轴代表可达距离。
- 簇在坐标轴中表述为山谷,并且山谷越深,簇越紧密
- 黄色代表的是噪声,它们不形成任何凹陷。
- 较稠密簇中的对象在簇排序中相互靠近
- 一个对象的最小可达距离给出了一个对象连接到一个稠密簇的最短路径
- OPTICS-OF用来检测异常值(Outliar Detection)
- DeLi-Clu算法来消除eps参数,提供比OPTICS更好的性能指标
- HiSC算法将其应用到Subspace Clustering
- HiCO应用到相关聚类(Correlation Clustering)上
- 基于HiSC改进的DiSH能够找到更加复杂的簇结构
OPTICS算法不是为了解决DBSACN的参数设置问题吗? 为什么算法中还需要输入参数ε和 minPts ?其实这里的ε和 minPts 只是起到算法辅助作用,也就是说ε和 minPts 的细微变化并不会影响到样本点的相对输出顺序,这对我们分析聚类结果是没有任何影响。
因为基于密度的聚类算法需要确定哪些点是核心点,哪些是躁点。所以为了这个目的,需要有个半径 ε。所以ε是必须给定的。
综上所述,OPTICS可以在 minPts 固定的前提下,对于任意的ε’ (其中ε’小于等于ε)都可以直接经过简单的计算得到新的聚类结果。
OPTICS 算法的 Python 实现
# https://gist.github.com/ryangomba/1724881 import math from functools import reduce class Point: def __init__(self, latitude, longitude): self.latitude = latitude self.longitude = longitude self.cd = None # core distance self.rd = None # reachability distance self.processed = False # has this point been processed? # calculate the distance between any two points on earth def distance(self, point): # convert coordinates to radians p1_lat, p1_lon, p2_lat, p2_lon = [math.radians(c) for c in (self.latitude, self.longitude, point.latitude, point.longitude)] numerator = math.sqrt( math.pow(math.cos(p2_lat) * math.sin(p2_lon - p1_lon), 2) + math.pow( math.cos(p1_lat) * math.sin(p2_lat) - math.sin(p1_lat) * math.cos(p2_lat) * math.cos(p2_lon - p1_lon), 2)) denominator = ( math.sin(p1_lat) * math.sin(p2_lat) + math.cos(p1_lat) * math.cos(p2_lat) * math.cos(p2_lon - p1_lon)) # convert distance from radians to meters # note: earth's radius ~ 6372800 meters return math.atan2(numerator, denominator) * 6372800 # point as GeoJSON def to_geo_json_dict(self, properties=None): return { 'type': 'Feature', 'geometry': { 'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [ self.longitude, self.latitude, ] }, 'properties': properties, } def __repr__(self): return '(%f, %f)' % (self.latitude, self.longitude) class Cluster: def __init__(self, points): self.points = points # calculate the centroid for the cluster def centroid(self): return Point(sum([p.latitude for p in self.points]) / len(self.points), sum([p.longitude for p in self.points]) / len(self.points)) # calculate the region (centroid, bounding radius) for the cluster def region(self): centroid = self.centroid() radius = reduce(lambda r, p: max(r, p.distance(centroid)), self.points) return centroid, radius # cluster as GeoJSON def to_geo_json_dict(self, user_properties=None): center, radius = self.region() properties = {'radius': radius} if user_properties: properties.update(user_properties) return { 'type': 'Feature', 'geometry': { 'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [ center.longitude, center.latitude, ] }, 'properties': properties, } class Optics: def __init__(self, points, max_radius, min_cluster_size): self.points = points self.max_radius = max_radius # maximum radius to consider self.min_cluster_size = min_cluster_size # minimum points in cluster # get ready for a clustering run def _setup(self): for p in self.points: p.rd = None p.processed = False self.unprocessed = [p for p in self.points] self.ordered = [] # distance from a point to its nth neighbor (n = min_cluser_size) def _core_distance(self, point, neighbors): if point.cd is not None: return point.cd if len(neighbors) >= self.min_cluster_size - 1: sorted_neighbors = sorted([n.distance(point) for n in neighbors]) point.cd = sorted_neighbors[self.min_cluster_size - 2] return point.cd # neighbors for a point within max_radius def _neighbors(self, point): return [p for p in self.points if p is not point and p.distance(point) <= self.max_radius] # mark a point as processed def _processed(self, point): point.processed = True self.unprocessed.remove(point) self.ordered.append(point) # update seeds if a smaller reachability distance is found def _update(self, neighbors, point, seeds): # for each of point's unprocessed neighbors n... for n in [n for n in neighbors if not n.processed]: # find new reachability distance new_rd # if rd is null, keep new_rd and add n to the seed list # otherwise if new_rd < old rd, update rd new_rd = max(point.cd, point.distance(n)) if n.rd is None: n.rd = new_rd seeds.append(n) elif new_rd < n.rd: n.rd = new_rd # run the OPTICS algorithm def run(self): self._setup() # for each unprocessed point (p)... while self.unprocessed: point = self.unprocessed[0] # mark p as processed # find p's neighbors self._processed(point) point_neighbors = self._neighbors(point) # if p has a core_distance, i.e has min_cluster_size - 1 neighbors if self._core_distance(point, point_neighbors) is not None: # update reachability_distance for each unprocessed neighbor seeds = [] self._update(point_neighbors, point, seeds) # as long as we have unprocessed neighbors... while (seeds): # find the neighbor n with smallest reachability distance seeds.sort(key=lambda n: n.rd) n = seeds.pop(0) # mark n as processed # find n's neighbors self._processed(n) n_neighbors = self._neighbors(n) # if p has a core_distance... if self._core_distance(n, n_neighbors) is not None: # update reachability_distance for each of n's neighbors self._update(n_neighbors, n, seeds) # when all points have been processed # return the ordered list return self.ordered # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def cluster(self, cluster_threshold): clusters = [] separators = [] for i in range(len(self.ordered)): this_i = i next_i = i + 1 this_p = self.ordered[i] this_rd = this_p.rd if this_p.rd else float('infinity') # use an upper limit to separate the clusters if this_rd > cluster_threshold: separators.append(this_i) separators.append(len(self.ordered)) for i in range(len(separators) - 1): start = separators[i] end = separators[i + 1] if end - start >= self.min_cluster_size: clusters.append(Cluster(self.ordered[start:end])) return clusters if __name__ == "__main__": # LOAD SOME POINTS points = [ Point(37.769006, -122.429299), # cluster #1 Point(37.769044, -122.429130), # cluster #1 Point(37.768775, -122.429092), # cluster #1 Point(37.776299, -122.424249), # cluster #2 Point(37.776265, -122.424657), # cluster #2 ] optics = Optics(points, 100, 2) # 100m radius for neighbor consideration, cluster size >= 2 points optics.run() # run the algorithm clusters = optics.cluster(50) # 50m threshold for clustering for cluster in clusters: print(cluster.points)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OPTICS_algorithm
- https://github.com/marionleborgne/optics-demo
- https://github.com/captainsafia/cranberry
- https://github.com/mannmann2/Density-Based-Clustering
- https://github.com/inftechweu/optics
- https://github.com/aonghus/optics-cluster
- https://github.com/dvida/cyoptics-clustering
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Clean Architecture
Robert C. Martin / Prentice Hall / 2017-9-20 / USD 34.99
Practical Software Architecture Solutions from the Legendary Robert C. Martin (“Uncle Bob”) By applying universal rules of software architecture, you can dramatically improve developer producti......一起来看看 《Clean Architecture》 这本书的介绍吧!