内容简介:Apache Commons Configuration 2.3 发布了,2.3 版本是 Configuration 2.x 系列的另一个维护版本,它包含 bug 修复以及一些新功能,如支持文件和路径作为数据类型。该版本完全源代码和二进制兼容版本 2.2,要求 ...
Apache Commons Configuration 2.3 发布了,2.3 版本是 Configuration 2.x 系列的另一个维护版本,它包含 bug 修复以及一些新功能,如支持文件和路径作为数据类型。该版本完全源代码和二进制兼容版本 2.2,要求 Java 1.7 或更高版本。
New features ============ o CONFIGURATION-692 ConversionExceptions thrown when accessing the properties of a configuration now contain the original cause of the exception. o CONFIGURATION-693 Configuration properties can now be converted to the data types File and Path. o CONFIGURATION-698 Add org.apache.commons.configuration2.MapConfiguration.toString(). o CONFIGURATION-698 Add toString() methods here and there to help debugging. o CONFIGURATION-701 CompositeConfiguration now supports an addConfigurationFirst() method to add child configurations with a higher priority. Fixed Bugs ========== o CONFIGURATION-652 Root node attributes are now updated correctly when loading XML configuration files. o CONFIGURATION-686 JSONConfiguration can now handle list structures with complex objects as elements. o CONFIGURATION-687 Fixed a memory leak in CombinedConfigurationBuilder. Builder for the child sources were created each time a new result configuration was requested; thus the list with child builders got longer and longer. This also had an impact on reloading because unnecessary reloading operations could be triggered. Now it is guaranteed that child builders are created only once. o CONFIGURATION-688 Fixed a bug related to the handling of multiple include files in PropertiesConfiguration. o CONFIGURATION-690 ExprLookup.getVariables() no longer returns null, but a copy of the current variables of this lookup object. o CONFIGURATION-691 ExprLookup now handles expressions that do not return a string result by converting them to string. o CONFIGURATION-703 XMLConfiguration now handles elements correctly whose value consists only of whitespace if the xml:space attribute is set to preserve. Other changes ============= o CONFIGURATION-675 Added a .gitignore file to the project. o Some dependencies have been updated to their most recent versions. However, as no new features of these dependencies are used, the older versions should still work. The following dependencies are affected: o Update Apache Commons Lang dependency from 3.6 to 3.7. o Update Apache Commons VFS from 2.1 to 2.2. o Update Apache Commons Codec from 1.10 to 1.11. o Update Spring from 4.3.9.RELEASE to 4.3.18.RELEASE o Update optional dependency snakeyaml from 1.18 to 1.21. o Update optional dependency Jackson from 2.8.9 to 2.9.6.
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
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React 进阶之路
徐超 / 清华大学出版社 / 2018-4 / 69.00元
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