内容简介:使用python监控memcached的基本信息,例如:connections、hitRate、freeMemory、memoryUsage、evictions等等。然后自定义zabbix keys值实现自定义监控模版!现在已经完成一个简单的监控memcached基本信息的脚本了,接下来为了以后方便查看做个自定义监控项加入到zabbix上去。
使用 python 监控 memcached 基本信息
使用python监控memcached的基本信息,例如:connections、hitRate、freeMemory、memoryUsage、evictions等等。然后自定义zabbix keys值实现自定义监控模版!
pip install python-memcached
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = 'chenmingle' import sys import subprocess import json try: import memcache except Exception, e: print 'pip install python-memcached' sys.exit(1) class Memcached(object): def __init__(self, host_list): self.mc = memcache.Client(host_list) try: self.stats = self.mc.get_stats()[0][1] except Exception, e: pass def get_curr_connections(self): """ Get current connections for Memcached UserParameter: connections """ try: return int(self.stats['curr_connections']) except Exception, e: return 0 def get_cache_hit_rate(self): """ Get the hit rate for Memcached UserParameter: hitRate """ try: rate = float(self.stats['get_hits']) / float(self.stats['cmd_get']) return "%.2f" % (rate * 100) except Exception, e: return 0.0 def get_free_memory(self): """ Get the free memory in Memcached Byte UserParameter: freeMemory """ try: free = int(self.stats['limit_maxbytes']) - int(self.stats['bytes']) return free except Exception, e: return 0 def get_memory_usage_rate(self): """ Get the memory usage rate in Memcached UserParameter: memoryRate """ try: rate = float(self.stats['bytes']) / float(self.stats['limit_maxbytes']) return "%.2f" % (rate * 100) except Exception, e: return 0.0 def get_evictions(self): """ Get evictd items in Memcached one minute avg UserParameter: evictions """ try: # minutes = int(self.stats['uptime']) / 60 # return int(self.stats['evictions']) / int(minutes) return int(self.stats['evictions']) except Exception, e: return 0 def test(self): # print json.dumps(self.stats, indent=4) print 'connections: %s' % self.get_curr_connections() print 'hitRate: %s %%' % self.get_cache_hit_rate() print 'freeMemory: %s Byte' % self.get_free_memory() print 'memoryUsage: %s %%' % self.get_memory_usage_rate() print 'evictions: %s' % self.get_evictions() print 'alive: %s' % check_alive(host_list) def check_alive(host_list): host = host_list.split(':')[0] port = host_list.split(':')[1] cmd = 'nc -z %s %s > /dev/null 2>&1' % (host, port) return subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True) def parse(type, host_list): mc = Memcached([host_list]) if type == 'connections': print mc.get_curr_connections() elif type == 'hitRate': print mc.get_cache_hit_rate() elif type == 'freeMemory': print mc.get_free_memory() elif type == 'memoryUsage': print mc.get_memory_usage_rate() elif type == 'evictions': print mc.get_evictions() elif type == 'alive': print check_alive(host_list) else: mc.test() if __name__ == '__main__': try: host_list = sys.argv[1] type = sys.argv[2] except Exception, e: print "Usage: python %s connections" % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1) parse(type, host_list)
[root@Memcached zabbix_agentd.d]# /usr/local/bin/python /home/python/check_memcached.py test connections: 1593 hitRate: 98.15 % freeMemory: 849551027 Byte memoryUsage: 80.22 % evictions: 7477932 alive: 0
- 首先定义监控项配置:
cd /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d cat Memcached.conf # Memcached UserParameter=memcached.stats[*],/usr/local/bin/python /home/python/check_memcached.py $1
- 在zabbix上配置自定义模版自定义监控项:
这样就完成一个简单的监控memcached的自定义模版,如果觉得这文章不错的,请在本人 Github 上点个star,感谢!!
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《使用python监控memcached基本信息》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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[美] Patrick Shaughnessy / 张汉东、秦凡鹏 / 华中科技大学出版社 / 2016-12-1 / 78.80元
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