内容简介:在『云和恩墨大讲堂』微信群中,有朋友提出这样一个问题:超高是多高呢?我们看一下下面的截图,Buffer Cache 最后被调节为只有 64M,这是最小值了,而Shared Pool Size 竟然高达 23,552M,超乎想象:
在自动内存管理下,Shared Pool 超高怎么办?
超高是多高呢?我们看一下下面的截图,Buffer Cache 最后被调节为只有 64M,这是最小值了,而Shared Pool Size 竟然高达 23,552M,超乎想象:
分析的思路很简单,看一看这些共享内存被谁使用了,在以下细节中,ges resource dynamic 和 ges enqueues 超高,分别占用了 6G、9G,这显然是不正常的:
这个数据库的版本是:,MOS 上很容易就可以找到匹配的 BUG:
ORA-04031 Errors Occurring with High "ges resource dynamic" & "ges enqueues" Memory Usage In The Shared Pool (文档 ID 2063751.1)
ORA-04031 errors occurring in a RAC instance with the trace file showing high memory usage for "ges resource dynamic" and "ges enqueues" memory in the shared pool. This can cause LMD processes to become unresponsive leading to an instance termination.
This is due to unpublished bug:21373473 fixed in 12.2, and occurs due to DX and BB locks being cached but not cleared out. This fix removes the need to cache DX and BB locks and hence reduces overall shared pool memory usage in RAC instances.
ORA-04031 errors occurring with high memory utilization for "ges enqueues" & "ges resource dynamic" memory allocations.
Download and apply the one-off patch number 21373473 for your platform and version combination.
Please note that if using, then you should also apply the related patch number 21260431 which also impacts the shared pool memory allocations identified here.
This issue can also be worked around by setting _GES_DIRECT_FREE_RES_TYPE="CTARAHDXBB" in the instances.
解决方案是打补丁:21373473 。客户是 版本,需要 21260431 补丁。
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By eygle on 2018-08-01 16:58 |Comments (0) |Case | 3294 |
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Shared Pool 中 ges resource dynamic 和 ges enqueues 超高诊断》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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