内容简介:Infinispan 同时发布了两个版本,9.3.1.Final 包含一些重要的 bug 修复,建议所有 9.3.0.Final 用户升级:9.4.0.Alpha1 是下一个重要版本的首次亮相,亮点包括:
Infinispan 同时发布了两个版本,9.3.1.Final 包含一些重要的 bug 修复,建议所有 9.3.0.Final 用户升级:
Fix for CVE-2018-1131 that allows unchecked deserialization in the server from binary java , XML and JSON payloads
Fixed transcoding from JSON/XML to java objects with deployed entities ( ISPN-9336 )
Look up key in cache loader if the entry has expired but hasn't yet been removed from the data container ( ISPN-9370 )
Avoid circular references in exceptions, as they were causing stack overflows with logback 1.2.x ( ISPN-9362 )
9.4.0.Alpha1 是下一个重要版本的首次亮相,亮点包括:
The Spring Cache provider now supports two configuration properties with which you can determine how long to wait for read and write operations respectively ( ISPN-9301 ).
You can now obtain nanosecond-resolution statistics for average read/write/remove time ( ISPN-9352 ).
Queries now throw an AvailabilityException if the cache is in degraded mode and partition mode isn’t ALLOW_READ_WRITES ([ ISPN-9340 )
Admin Console: You can now delete cache from Administration console ( ISPN-7291 ).
Following up on the segmented data container in 9.3.0.Final, cache stores can now be segmented as well, allowing for better performance for bulk operations (ie. cache.size(), cache.entrySet().stream())
The server-side Hot Rod parser is now generated automatically ( ISPN-8981 )
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JavaScript Patterns
Stoyan Stefanov / O'Reilly Media, Inc. / 2010-09-21 / USD 29.99
What's the best approach for developing an application with JavaScript? This book helps you answer that question with numerous JavaScript coding patterns and best practices. If you're an experienced d......一起来看看 《JavaScript Patterns》 这本书的介绍吧!