内容简介:JRuby 社区很高兴地宣布的 JRuby 发布。JRuby 9000 是最新的主流版本,兼容 Ruby 2.2.x,而 JRuby 是首个维护版本。与 版本比较,该版本改进包括:完整 issue 列表:
JRuby 社区很高兴地宣布的 JRuby 发布。JRuby 9000 是最新的主流版本,兼容 Ruby 2.2.x,而 JRuby 是首个维护版本。
与 版本比较,该版本改进包括:
Reduced memory usage since by 13%
Improved support for refinements; 70% of CRuby tests passing
jruby-openssl updated to version 0.9.11
psych updated to version 2.0.15
44 issues fixed for
完整 issue 列表:
#3288 - 9K seems to be handling all jruby.xxx properties
#3284 - Spec improvements
#3283 - Not getting SIGCHLD when a child process dies
#3277 - Spec improvements
#3276 - Class with prepended module is its own superclass
#3271 - bigdecimal & bigmath
#3265 - Updates for RSpec 3
#3251 - jruby: warning: unknown property jruby.{memory,stack}.max
#3249 - Socket.send freezes string unexpectedly (RuntimeError: can't modify frozen string)
#3248 - File.fnmatch doesn't match german vowels
#3245 - Parser fails on `assert_equal(true, (not ()))` expresion
#3238 - Fix Digest bubblebabble incorrect output on empty string
#3237 - $! gets unset by rescue, even when the rescue doesn't catch the error
#3233 - Rails.root set to "uri:classloader:/" for new Rails app with JRuby
#3228 - Fix an embedded runtime memory leak in Java7ClassValue
#3227 - Array#uniq behavior differs from MRI with BasicObject members
#3224 - removed unused FileIO class from persistence.util
#3221 - big decimal parser
#3220 - RubyInstanceConfig#setupEnvironment throws AccessControlException on Windows
#3218 - add to_h to the class used for ENV
#3211 - bignum speedup
#3200 - Fixing RangeError with code from 1.7 branch
#3198 - licensing information out of date?
#3189 - 9k fail ftp on Windows
#3188 - jruby-1_7 merge failures on master
#3187 - Add MRI test for proc visibility
#3175 - 9k fail to compile ruby code of using multibyte char on Windows
#3174 - ensure clause is executed before begin clause ends ?
#3173 - Can't reference the proc itself in a proc
#3165 - Fix RubyRange#initialize_copy mistakenly erroring on #dup'ing a range
#3163 - dup on Range regression
#3162 - Different results for `to_h` and `to_hash` on `ENV`
#3118 - Jruby 9000 RC1 throws Java::JavaLang::ClassCastException: org.jruby.RubyBignum cannot be cast to org.jruby.RubyFixnum
#2956 - bubblebabble is wrong for empty strings
#2901 - Psych fails with MBC strings in ASCII-8BIT
#2148 - BigMath.log fails MRI 2.2 tests
#2131 - Divergent behavior in MRI vs JRuby wrt Class::undef
#1968 - JRuby Yaml implementation (psych) fails dumping "-."
#1907 - Frozen
#1900 - "invalid byte sequence in UTF-8" after String#encode!; behavior differs from MRI (JRuby-1.7.13)
#1877 - Array#delete_if - no size update
#1770 - Wrong julian day for DateTime with a negative rational offset
#1328 - Encoding of symbol literals does not respect the encoding of the source file
#378 - Need ability to set Socket.setReuseAddress() in RubyTCPSocket.java
JRuby是面向Ruby、基于 Java 虚拟机(JVM)的一种解释程序,它结合了Ruby语言的简易性和功能强大的JVM的执行机制,包括与Java库 全面集成。Rails彻底加快及简化了Web应用的开发,不过它让人觉得不够成熟,特别是在高端企业级功能方面。另一方面,Java平台及其虚拟机、库和 应用服务器的速度、稳定性和功能方面却一直在提升,现在已被公认为是开发高端服务器应用的领先平台。不过如果Java平台不与Ruby等新兴语言联系在一 起,就有可能落后于流行趋势。
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
[美]亚历山大 A. 斯捷潘诺夫(Alexander A. Stepanov)、[美]丹尼尔 E. 罗斯(Daniel E. Rose) / 爱飞翔 / 机械工业出版社 / 2017-8 / 79
这是一本内容丰富而又通俗易懂的书籍,由优秀的软件设计师 Alexander A. Stepanov 与其同事 Daniel E. Rose 所撰写。作者在书中解释泛型编程的原则及其所依据的抽象数学概念,以帮助你写出简洁而强大的代码。 只要你对编程相当熟悉,并且擅长逻辑思考,那么就可以顺利阅读本书。Stepanov 与 Rose 会清晰地讲解相关的抽象代数及数论知识。他们首先解释数学家想要解决......一起来看看 《数学与泛型编程》 这本书的介绍吧!