内容简介:SparkyLinux 5.5 开发版已发布,这是一个基于 Debian GNU/Linux 测试分支的发行版,维护着多个分支和版本。SparkyLinux 是轻量级的、快速的、简单的 Linux 发行版,它被设计为既适合老旧的也适合新式的计算机,并...
SparkyLinux 5.5 开发版已发布,这是一个基于 Debian GNU/Linux 测试分支的发行版,维护着多个分支和版本。SparkyLinux 是轻量级的、快速的、简单的 Linux 发行版,它被设计为既适合老旧的也适合新式的计算机,并以定制的 Enlightenment 和 LXDE 桌面为特色。
新版本包括来自 Debian 测试分支的更新、支持 Timeshift 功能、改进的文件系统 —— 支持 Btrfs 和 XFS。
system update from Debian testing repos as of July 26, 2018
Linux kernel 4.17.8 (4.17.10-sparky is available in Sparky “unstable” repo)
older Linux kernel 4.16.12 is available from live media as well, which can be used in a case of any problem with the newest one
added support of btrfs & xfs file systems in Advanced Installer – installation on btrfs installs the system in subvolumes: @ and @home; choosing a separate partition for home makes the @home subvolume as well; it lets you make a snapshot of your system partitions via the btrfs utility or via TimeShift appliacation and lets you recovery them later
added new tool: TimeShift
added new, own tool: DEBiTool, which replaced GDebi and can be used for installing deb packages from a local drive
improved configuration of removing live packages in Advanced Installer; sudo package is not removed now if you install Sparky using minimalcli iso image
下载地址 >>> https://sparkylinux.org/download/
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《SparkyLinux 5.5 开发版发布,基于 Debian 的测试分支》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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