内容简介:SmartGit 18.1.4 发布了,更新如下: - GUI: - system property "tooltip.enabled" to disable the large tooltips Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Blame: possible internal err...
SmartGit 18.1.4 发布了,更新如下:
- GUI: - system property "tooltip.enabled" to disable the large tooltips Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Blame: possible internal error - Clone (SSH): possible out-of-memory error when using built-in SSH client - Edit Last Commit Message: was erroneously not allowed in rebasing state - Ignore dialog: ignoring by pattern was broken - JIRA: for JQL queries, substituted project IDs had the be put in quotes - Log: - Tools menu: did not update if tools configuration in the preferences got changed - View | Include Tracked Remote Branches did not update instantly - Push to Gerrit: target selection was not honored if entering a topic - Repository | Edit Git Config | User: used wrong file if HOME was configured - Bitbucket: - possible "cyclic reference" error - error "Object 'user/username' not found" for deleted comments, authors - GitHub/Bitbucket: possible error message "Could not determine remote ref for pull request anchor" for special URLs - Compare: - Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down changed read-only file content - Ctrl+D on empty line -> internal error - possible internal error pinging license server - Linux: - bundle did not start (e.g. on SuSE Leap) - Windows: - added system property "fileMonitor.analyzeSystemLoad" to prevent hard crashes in msvcrt.dll (Java or Windows bug on certain machines) - temp directory was not cleared on system shutdown
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
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王硕,董文馨,张舒行,张洁 著 / 电子工业出版社 / 2018-11-1 / 59.00
编程的核心是算法,学习算法不仅能教会你解决问题的方法,而且还能为你今后的发展提供一种可能。 《你也能看得懂的Python算法书》面向算法初学者,首先介绍当下流程的编程语言Python,详细讲解Python语言中的变量和循序、分支、循环三大结构,以及列表和函数的使用,为之后学习算法打好基础。然后以通俗易懂的语言讲解双指针、哈希、深度优先、广度优先、回溯、贪心、动态规划和至短路径等经典算法。 ......一起来看看 《你也能看得懂的Python算法书》 这本书的介绍吧!