内容简介:ownCloud Client 2.4.2 和 ownCloud Server 10.0.9 已发布,ownCloud 是一个自由且开源的个人云存储解决方案,包括两个部分:服务器和客户端,最早由 KDE 开发者 Frank Karlitschek 于2010年1月创建,目标是...
ownCloud Client 2.4.2 和 ownCloud Server 10.0.9 已发布,ownCloud 是一个自由且开源的个人云存储解决方案,包括两个部分:服务器和客户端,最早由 KDE 开发者 Frank Karlitschek 于2010年1月创建,目标是成为商业云服务提供商的替代产品。
ownCloud Client 2.4.2 更新内容:
Linux: Tray workarounds
Fix nautilus/nemo shell issues
Updater: Add update channel feature
Updater: Support EXE->MSI upgrade
SyncJournal: Fixes for sync folders on removable media
SslButton: Add HTTP/2 info
Fix assert when using ownCloud server 5 (which you should not)
Normalize local path
Blacklisting must prevent parent etag updates
macdeployqt: Adjust minimum version based on our Qt
macOS: Unload the Finder extension on exit
Upload: Adjust timeout for final job based on file size
Sync: When detecting a local move, keep the local mtime
Credentials: Retry fetching from the keychain in case the keychain is still starting
OAuth2: Try to refresh the token even if the credentials weren't ready
ownCloud Server 10.0.9 更新内容:
New Features:Pending Shares
New Features:Overview of pending & rejected shares
New Features:Password history and expiration
New Features:Technology preview for new S3 Objectstore implementation
SWIFT Objectstore deprecation
New options to display Imprint and Privacy Policy
Changed behavior of “Exclude groups from sharing” option
Changes to the sharing autocomplete mechanism
Improvements for occ user:list
Additional events for audit logging
Theming improvements and changes
Solved known issues
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《私有云存储 ownCloud Client 2.4.2 和 Server 10.0.9 发布》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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Andy Hunt / 崔康 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2010-12-10 / 39.00元
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