内容简介:Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 12.0 和 JBoss Tools 4.6.0 for Eclipse Photon 已发布,该版本主要是引入完整的 Java 10 支持,改进基于容器的开发,以及一些 Bug 修复。下载地址: Red Hat Developer Stu...
Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 12.0 和 JBoss Tools 4.6.0 for Eclipse Photon 已发布,该版本主要是引入完整的 Java 10 支持,改进基于容器的开发,以及一些 Bug 修复。下载地址:
OpenShift 3
Enhanced Spring Boot support for server adapter
Server tools
Wildfly 13 Server Adapter
Camel and Fuse Tooling
Camel Rest DSL from WSDL wizard
Camel Editor REST tab
Camel URI completion with XML DSL
Maven support updated to M2E 1.9.1
Java Developement Tools (JDT)
Support for Java™ 10
Java Editor
Quick Fix feature to add @NonNullByDefault to packages
Navigate to ‘switch’ statement
Escape non-ASCII characters when pasting into a string literal
Improved Java syntax coloring in the dark theme
Improved coloring of links in code element information in the dark theme
Improved coloring of inherited members in the Quick Outline in the dark theme
Java Views and Dialogs
Test sources
Sort library entries alphabetically in Package Explorer
Generate dialogs use verbs instead of OK
Java Compiler
Option for Regex in Module Declaration Search
@NonNullByDefault per module
@NonNullByDefault improvements
Test sources
New preference added “Compiler Compliance does not match used JRE”
Java Formatter
New formatter profile page
Formatter: align Javadoc tags in columns
Java code formatter preferences now styled for the dark theme
New Cleanup Action “Remove redundant modifiers”
Launch configuration prototypes for Java Launch Configurations
Advanced source lookup implementation
Debugger listens to thread name changes
Value displayed for method exit and exception breakpoints
Display view renamed to Debug Shell
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
猜你喜欢:- NPM包(模块)发布、更新、撤销发布
- 有赞灰度发布与蓝绿发布实践
- 【重磅发布】Linkis 0.10.0 版本发布
- BeetlSQL 3.0.9 发布,Idea 插件发布
- 贝密游戏 0.7.0 发布,发布斗地主
- 【重磅发布】DataSphere Studio 0.9.0 版本发布
Web Development Recipes
Brian P. Hogan、Chris Warren、Mike Weber、Chris Johnson、Aaron Godin / Pragmatic Bookshelf / 2012-1-22 / USD 35.00
You'll see a full spectrum of cutting-edge web development techniques, from UI and eye candy recipes to solutions for data analysis, testing, and web hosting. Make buttons and content stand out with s......一起来看看 《Web Development Recipes》 这本书的介绍吧!