内容简介:PHP 7.0.31, 7.1.20, 7.2.8 正式发布了。PHP(PHP:Hypertext Preprocessor)是一种在电脑上执行的脚本语言,主要是用途在于处理动态网页,也包含了命令列执行接口(command line interface),或者产生图形使用者...
PHP 7.0.31, 7.1.20, 7.2.8 正式发布了。PHP(PHP:Hypertext Preprocessor)是一种在电脑上执行的脚本语言,主要是用途在于处理动态网页,也包含了命令列执行接口(command line interface),或者产生图形使用者接口(GUI)程式。
版本主要还是修复 bug,改进日志如下:
PHP 7.0.31
- Exif:
. Fixed bug #76423 (Int Overflow lead to Heap OverFlow in
exif_thumbnail_extract of exif.c). (Stas)
. Fixed bug #76557 (heap-buffer-overflow (READ of size 48) while reading exif
data). (Stas)
- Win32:
. Fixed bug #76459 (windows linkinfo lacks openbasedir check). (Anatol)
PHP 7.1.20
- Core:
. Fixed bug #76534 (PHP hangs on 'illegal string offset on string references
with an error handler). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #76502 (Chain of mixed exceptions and errors does not serialize
properly). (Nikita)
- Date:
. Fixed bug #76462 (Undefined property: DateInterval::$f). (Anatol)
- FPM:
. Fixed bug #73342 (Vulnerability in php-fpm by changing stdin to
non-blocking). (Nikita)
- GMP:
. Fixed bug #74670 (Integer Underflow when unserializing GMP and possible
other classes). (Nikita)
- intl:
. Fixed bug #76556 (get_debug_info handler for BreakIterator shows wrong
type). (cmb)
- mbstring:
. Fixed bug #76532 (Integer overflow and excessive memory usage
in mb_strimwidth). (MarcusSchwarz)
. Fixed bug #76548 (pg_fetch_result did not fetch the next row). (Anatol)
- phpdbg:
. Fix arginfo wrt. optional/required parameters. (cmb)
- Reflection:
. Fixed bug #76536 (PHP crashes with core dump when throwing exception in
error handler). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #75231 (ReflectionProperty#getValue() incorrectly works with
inherited classes). (Nikita)
- Standard:
. Fixed bug #76505 (array_merge_recursive() is duplicating sub-array keys).
. Fixed bug #71848 (getimagesize with $imageinfo returns false). (cmb)
PHP 7.2.8
- Core:
. Fixed bug #76534 (PHP hangs on 'illegal string offset on string references
with an error handler). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #76520 (Object creation leaks memory when executed over HTTP).
. Fixed bug #76502 (Chain of mixed exceptions and errors does not serialize
properly). (Nikita)
- Date:
. Fixed bug #76462 (Undefined property: DateInterval::$f). (Anatol)
. Fixed bug #76409 (heap use after free in _php_stream_free). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #76423 (Int Overflow lead to Heap OverFlow in
exif_thumbnail_extract of exif.c). (Stas)
. Fixed bug #76557 (heap-buffer-overflow (READ of size 48) while reading exif
data). (Stas)
- FPM:
. Fixed bug #73342 (Vulnerability in php-fpm by changing stdin to
non-blocking). (Nikita)
- GMP:
. Fixed bug #74670 (Integer Underflow when unserializing GMP and possible
other classes). (Nikita)
- intl:
. Fixed bug #76556 (get_debug_info handler for BreakIterator shows wrong
type). (cmb)
- mbstring:
. Fixed bug #76532 (Integer overflow and excessive memory usage
in mb_strimwidth). (MarcusSchwarz)
- Opcache:
. Fixed bug #76477 (Opcache causes empty return value).
(Nikita, Laruence)
. Fixed bug #76548 (pg_fetch_result did not fetch the next row). (Anatol)
- phpdbg:
. Fix arginfo wrt. optional/required parameters. (cmb)
- Reflection:
. Fixed bug #76536 (PHP crashes with core dump when throwing exception in
error handler). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #75231 (ReflectionProperty#getValue() incorrectly works with
inherited classes). (Nikita)
- Standard:
. Fixed bug #76505 (array_merge_recursive() is duplicating sub-array keys).
. Fixed bug #71848 (getimagesize with $imageinfo returns false). (cmb)
- Win32:
. Fixed bug #76459 (windows linkinfo lacks openbasedir check). (Anatol)
- ZIP:
. Fixed bug #76461 (OPSYS_Z_CPM defined instead of OPSYS_CPM).
(Dennis Birkholz, Remi)
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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Massimo Banzi / 于欣龙、郭浩赟 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2012-10 / 38.00元
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