内容简介:Infinispan 同时发布了两个版本,9.3.1.Final 包含一些重要的 bug 修复,建议所有 9.3.0.Final 用户升级: Fix for CVE-2018-1131 that allows unchecked deserialization in the server from binary java , XML...
Infinispan 同时发布了两个版本,9.3.1.Final 包含一些重要的 bug 修复,建议所有 9.3.0.Final 用户升级:
Fix for CVE-2018-1131 that allows unchecked deserialization in the server from binary java , XML and JSON payloads
Fixed transcoding from JSON/XML to java objects with deployed entities (ISPN-9336)
Look up key in cache loader if the entry has expired but hasn't yet been removed from the data container (ISPN-9370)
Avoid circular references in exceptions, as they were causing stack overflows with logback 1.2.x (ISPN-9362)
9.4.0.Alpha1 是下一个重要版本的首次亮相,亮点包括:
The Spring Cache provider now supports two configuration properties with which you can determine how long to wait for read and write operations respectively (ISPN-9301).
You can now obtain nanosecond-resolution statistics for average read/write/remove time (ISPN-9352).
Queries now throw an AvailabilityException if the cache is in degraded mode and partition mode isn’t ALLOW_READ_WRITES ([ISPN-9340)
Admin Console: You can now delete cache from Administration console (ISPN-7291).
Following up on the segmented data container in 9.3.0.Final, cache stores can now be segmented as well, allowing for better performance for bulk operations (ie. cache.size(), cache.entrySet().stream())
The server-side Hot Rod parser is now generated automatically (ISPN-8981)
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
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Chris Manning、Hinrich Schütze / 苑春法、李伟、李庆中 / 电子工业出版社 / 2005-1 / 55.00元
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