内容简介:DBeaver 社区版 5.1.3 已发布,主要更新内容如下: Database objects search fixed (GoTo object dialog) Database full-text search was improved (state loading, bug were fixed, search history was fixed) ...
DBeaver 社区版 5.1.3 已发布,主要更新内容如下:
Database objects search fixed (GoTo object dialog)
Database full-text search was improved (state loading, bug were fixed, search history was fixed)
Default error dialog was redesigned (allow message copy-paste and scrolling)
Drivers download errors was fixed (missing Maven artifacts handling)
ERD looks-and-feel was fixed. Extra configuration was added.
SQL editor:
Query comments processing was fixed
Left toolbar rendering was fixed (background color issue)
SQL formatter for sub-selects was fixed
Results viewer:
Presentation switch error was fixed
Sorting by ambiguous columns was fixed
Visualize read-only columns in grid header (different background color + tooltip)
Value view panel read-only state handling was fixed
Search in value view panels was added
Execution log and output panel toggle shortcuts were changed
Driver version updated to 42.2.3
Multi-database support was improved (no need to switch active database on access)
Foreign table DDL was fixed
Materialized view DDL was fixed
Domain data types resolution was fixed (problems with date/time types)
Debug perspective switch was fixed
New driver for MySQL 8.x was added
Timestamp time zone issue was resolved
Tablespace storage information was fixed
Yellowbrick driver configuration was added
Timescale driver connection page was fixed
SAP HANA: activate database switch was added
Data export in SQL: null table name issue was fixed
Data transfer by segments + table truncate was fixed
Database output log contents filtering was added (zero characters)
Database navigator: icons position was fixed
New table columns rename was fixed
MacOS installer was fixed (CE and EE version on the same machine issue)
Debug logging was fixed (do not log secure information)
Many minor UI fixes
DBeaver 是一个通用的数据库管理 工具 和 SQL 客户端,支持 MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, DB2, MSSQL, Sybase, Mimer, HSQLDB, Derby, 以及其他兼容 JDBC 的数据库。DBeaver 提供一个图形界面用来查看数据库结构、执行 SQL 查询和脚本,浏览和导出数据,处理 BLOB/CLOB 数据,修改数据库结构等等。
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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- DBeaver 4.3.4 发布,数据库管理工具
- DBeaver 4.3.5 发布,数据库管理工具
(美) 布鲁克斯(Brooks, F. P.) 著 / UML China翻译组,汪颖 译 / 清华大学出版社 / 2015-4-1 / 68.00元
在软件领域,很少能有像《人月神话》一样具有深远影响力和畅销不衰的著作。Brooks博士为人们管理复杂项目提供了最具洞察力的见解,既有很多发人深省的观点,又有大量软件工程的实践。本书内容来自Brooks博士在IBM公司SYSTEM/360家族和OS/360中的项目管理经验,该项目堪称软件开发项目管理的典范。该书英文原版一经面世,即引起业内人士的强烈反响,后又译为德、法、日、俄、中、韩等多种文字,全球......一起来看看 《人月神话(40周年中文纪念版)》 这本书的介绍吧!