SQLAlchemy 1.2.10 发布,Python 的 ORM 框架

栏目: 软件资讯 · 发布时间: 6年前

内容简介:SQLAlchemy 1.2.10 已发布,这是一个小版本,引入了一些针对 Core 和 ORM 的修复: orm [orm] [bug] Fixed bug in Bundle construct where placing two columns of the same name would be de-duplicated, wh...

SQLAlchemy 1.2.10 已发布,这是一个小版本,引入了一些针对 Core 和 ORM 的修复:


  • [orm] [bug] Fixed bug in Bundle construct where placing two columns of the same name would be de-duplicated, when the Bundle were used as part of the rendered SQL, such as in the ORDER BY or GROUP BY of the statement.

  • [orm] [bug] Fixed regression in 1.2.9 due to #4287 where using a Load option in conjunction with a string wildcard would result in a TypeError.


  • [sql] [bug] Fixed bug where a Sequence would be dropped explicitly before any Table that refers to it, which breaks in the case when the sequence is also involved in a server-side default for that table, when using MetaData.drop_all(). The step which processes sequences to be dropped via non server-side column default functions is now invoked after the table itself is dropped.


【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]

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[美]布赖恩·罗伯逊 / 中信出版社 / 2015-10-1 / 45

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