PostgreSQL 11 beta 2 发布,bug 修复版本

栏目: 软件资讯 · 发布时间: 6年前

内容简介:PostgreSQL 11 beta 2 发布了,PostgreSQL (也叫 Postgres)是一个自由的对象-关系数据库服务器(数据库管理系统),它在灵活的 BSD-风格许可证下发行。它提供了相对其他开放源代码数据库系统(比如 MySQL 和 Fire...

PostgreSQL 11 beta 2 发布了,PostgreSQL (也叫 Postgres)是一个自由的对象-关系数据库服务器(数据库管理系统),它在灵活的 BSD-风格许可证下发行。它提供了相对其他开放源代码数据库系统(比如 MySQL 和 Firebird),和对专有系统比如 Oracle、Sybase、IBM 的 DB2 和 Microsoft SQL Server的一种选择。

此版本修复了众多 bug:

  • Several fixes for XML support, including using the document node as the context for XPath queries as defined in the SQL standard, which affects the xpath and xpath_exists functions, as well as XMLTABLE

  • Several fixes related to VACUUM, including potential data corruption issues

  • Fixes for partitioning, including ensuring partitioning works with temporary tables, eliminating a needless additional partition constraint checks on INSERTs and generating incorrect paths for partitionwise aggregates

  • Fix for potential replica server crashes where a replica would attempt to read a recycled WAL segment

  • Fixes for pg_replication_slot_advance including returning NULL if slot is not advanced and changes for how the slot is updated depending on if it is a physical or logical replication slot

  • Ensure pg_resetwal works with relative paths to data directory

  • Fixes for query parallelism, including preventing a crash by ignoring "parallel append" for parallel unsafe paths in a query plan

  • Fix returning accurate results with variance and similar aggregate functions when executed using parallel query

  • Fix issue where COPY FROM .. WITH HEADER would drop a line after every 4,294,967,296 lines processed

  • Ensure the "B" (bytes) parameter is accepted by all memory-related configuration parameters

  • Several fixes for the JSONB transform in PL/Python and PL/Perl

  • Fix for plpgsql checking statements where it needs to check original write statement before rewrite, could cause crash

  • Fix for SHOW ALL to display superuser configuration settings to roles that are allowed to read all settings

  • Fix for pg_upgrade that ensures defaults are written when using the "fast ALTER TABLE .. ADD COLUMN" feature with a non-NULL default

  • Several fixes for memory leaks

  • Several fixes specific to the Windows platform

同时包含 tzdata 版本 2018e。



【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 []

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






[美] 路易斯·罗森菲尔德、[美] 彼得·莫尔维莱、[美] 豪尔赫·阿朗戈 / 樊旺斌、师蓉 / 电子工业出版社 / 2016-5-1 / 128.00元

本书的前三个版本都是信息架构领域的开山著作。其中描述了信息组织的普遍和永恒原则,这一原则也适用于不断增长的移动世界。在第4版中,作者运用大量最新的插图和例子为这些原则提供了当前实践中的情境,验证了那些与技术和供应商无关的工具,以及那些经受住时间考验的技术。一起来看看 《信息架构》 这本书的介绍吧!



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