内容简介:Apache Tomcat 8.5.32 已发布,更新内容如下: Add the RemoteCIDRFilter and RemoteCIDRValve that can be used to allow/deny requests based on IPv4 and/or IPv6 client address where the IP ranges are de...
Apache Tomcat 8.5.32 已发布,更新内容如下:
Add the RemoteCIDRFilter and RemoteCIDRValve that can be used to allow/deny requests based on IPv4 and/or IPv6 client address where the IP ranges are defined using CIDR notation. Based on a patch by Francis Galiegue.
Update the packaged version of the Tomcat Native Library to 1.2.17 to pick up the latest Windows binaries built with APR 1.6.3 and OpenSSL 1.0.2o.
Correct a regression in the Host validation by removing the requirement that the final component of a FQDN must be alphabetic.
Apache Tomcat 8.5.x 旨在替换 8.0.x,并包含向前兼容 Tomcat 9.0.x 的新功能。最小的 Java 版本和实现的规范版本保持不变。
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
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郭继展 / 2008-5 / 36.00元
《信息科学与技术丛书•程序算法与技巧精选》分17章,139个例题。书中介绍的算法和技巧涉及到随机数函数理论,基础数论,新意幻方,提高程序运行速度和精度,特定数据排序,穷举、递推、递归和迭代等诸多方面。这些算法和技巧大多是作者历年从事教学、软件开发、学术研究和学习的成果总结。 《信息科学与技术丛书•程序算法与技巧精选》内容不涉及计算机专业课程的诸多概念、理论,读者只需要学过C语言,有算法、结构......一起来看看 《程序算法与技巧精选》 这本书的介绍吧!