内容简介:Atom 1.28.0 正式版本已发布,更新内容如下: Electron has been upgraded to version 2.0. Atom now automatically honors your operating system's color profile. You can use the new Color Profile setti...
Atom 1.28.0 正式版本已发布,更新内容如下:
Electron has been upgraded to version 2.0.
Atom now automatically honors your operating system's color profile. You can use the new Color Profile setting to customize this behavior.
Active editors are now updated when experimental Tree-sitter grammars are toggled in settings.
Shell environment variables are now carried into Atom when launched from PowerShell or Windows Command Prompt.
The Find in Project results view now groups adjacent matches and highlights multiple matches on the same line.
Commit message preprocessing has been substantially revisited, preserving newlines in amended commits, preserving
comments in commits composed within the mini editor, and respecting yourcommit.cleanup
configuration when committing from an expanded editor."Large" file patches are identified by byte count, not line count, of the patch body. This prevents performance hiccups when navigating past files with large diffs in a relatively small number of lines.
Avatars are now supported for users who are using the newer-style anonymized email addresses.
Modal dialogs can now be cancelled properly by pressing esc on Windows
package now supports GraphQL script tags and multi-line style attributes.CriticMarkup syntax is now colored correctly in Markdown files.
Fixed an issue where files in a Git repo might be locked or corrupted.
The placeholder glyph that appears when reordering tabs is now much more responsive.
Fixed an issue where dashes were being prefixed with backslashes in non-regex searches
Atom 是 GitHub 专门为 程序员 推出的一个跨平台文本编辑器。具有简洁和直观的图形用户界面,并有很多有趣的特点:支持 CSS、HTML、JavaScript 等网页编程语言。它支持宏,自动完成分屏功能,集成了文件管理器。
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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于渊 / 电子工业出版社 / 2009-6 / 69.00元
《Orange S:一个操作系统的实现》从只有二十行的引导扇区代码出发,一步一步地向读者呈现一个操作系统框架的完成过程。书中不仅关注代码本身,同时关注完成这些代码的思路和过程。本书不同于其他的理论型书籍,而是提供给读者一个动手实践的路线图。读者可以根据路线图逐步完成各部分的功能,从而避免了一开始就面对整个操作系统数万行代码时的迷茫和挫败感。书中讲解了大量在开发操作系统中需注意的细节问题,这些细节不......一起来看看 《Orange'S:一个操作系统的实现》 这本书的介绍吧!