Nginx 主线版 1.15.0 发布,错误修复和引入新功能

栏目: 软件资讯 · 发布时间: 6年前

内容简介:Nginx 主线版 1.15.0 已发布,该版本增加了一项新特性,两项更改,以及一些错误的修复。 Change: the "ssl" directive is deprecated; the "ssl" parameter of the "listen" directive should be used instead. C...

Nginx 主线版 1.15.0 已发布,该版本增加了一项新特性,两项更改,以及一些错误的修复。

  • Change: the "ssl" directive is deprecated; the "ssl" parameter of the "listen" directive should be used instead.

  • Change: now nginx detects missing SSL certificates during configuration testing when using the "ssl" parameter of the "listen" directive.

  • Feature: now the stream module can handle multiple incoming UDP datagrams from a client within a single session.

  • Bugfix: it was possible to specify an incorrect response code in the "proxy_cache_valid" directive.

  • Bugfix: nginx could not be built by gcc 8.1.

  • Bugfix: logging to syslog stopped on local IP address changes.

  • Bugfix: nginx could not be built by clang with CUDA SDK installed; the bug had appeared in 1.13.8.

  • Bugfix: "getsockopt(TCP_FASTOPEN) ... failed" messages might appear in logs during binary upgrade when using unix domain listen sockets on FreeBSD.

  • Bugfix: nginx could not be built on Fedora 28 Linux.

  • Bugfix: request processing rate might exceed configured rate when using the "limit_req" directive.

  • Bugfix: in handling of client addresses when using unix domain listen sockets to work with datagrams on Linux.

  • Bugfix: in memory allocation error handling.


【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 []

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