内容简介:Phalcon 3.4.0 已发布,Phalcon 是一个开源的 Web 框架,作为 PHP 语言 C 扩展,它提供了更高的性能与更低的资源消耗。 本次更新主要是对 bug 进行了修复,具体如下: Added Phalcon\Mvc\Router::attach to ad...
Phalcon 3.4.0 已发布,Phalcon 是一个开源的 Web 框架,作为 PHP 语言 C 扩展,它提供了更高的性能与更低的资源消耗。
本次更新主要是对 bug 进行了修复,具体如下:
Added Phalcon\Mvc\Router::attach to add Route object directly into Router #13326
Added the ability to listen request:beforeAuthorizationResolve and request:afterAuthorizationResolve events. This ability enables using custom authorization resolvers #13327
Added call event afterFetch in Phalcon\Mvc\Model:refresh #12220
Added Phalcon\Http\Response::getReasonPhrase to retrieve the reason phrase from the Statusheader #13314
Added Phalcon\Loader::setFileCheckingCallback to set internal file existence resolver #13360
Added ability to pass aggregation options for Phalcon\Mvc\Collection::aggregate #12302
Added Phalcon\Crypt::setHashAlgo to set the name of hashing algorithm used to the calculating message digest #13379
Added Phalcon\Crypt::getHashAlgo to get the name of hashing algorithm used to the calculating message digest #13379
Added Phalcon\Crypt::useSigning to set if the calculating message digest must used (NOTE: This feature will be enabled by default in Phalcon 4.0.0) #13379
Added Phalcon\Crypt::getAvailableHashAlgos to get a list of registered hashing algorithms suitable for calculating message digest #13379
Added Phalcon\Crypt::__construct so now the cipher can be set at object construction and the calculating message digest can be enabled without the need to call setCipher or useSigningexplicitly #13379
Added Phalcon\Crypt\Mismatch. Exceptions thrown in Phalcon\Crypt will use this class #13379
Added Phalcon\Http\Cookie::setSignKey to set sign key used to generate a message authentication code (eg. message digest)
Added Phalcon\Http\Response\Cookies::setSignKey to set sign key used to generate a message authentication code (eg. message digest)
Changed Phalcon\Crypt::setCipher so that IV length will be reconfigured during setting the cipher algorithm
Changed Phalcon\Crypt::setCipher so that method will throw Phalcon\Crypt\Exception if a cipher is unavailable
Fixed regression (#13308) for Phalcon\Debug\Dump::output to correctly work with detailed mode #13315
Fixed Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query\Builder::having and Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query\Builder::where to correctly merge the bind types #11487
Fixed Phalcon\Mvc\Model::setSnapshotData to properly sets the old snapshot
Do not throw Exception when superglobal does not exist #13252, #13254, #12918
下载地址和完整更新内容请查看 GitHub 发布主页。
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Phalcon 3.4.0 发布,PHP 的 C 扩展 Web 框架》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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