内容简介:由于意外地收到了Google一名工程师的PR(https://github.com/Neeke/Jsonnet-PHP/pull/6),Jsonnet-PHP发布了1.3.1版本。 此次PR内容为: Fixed capitalization: JsonNet -> Jsonnet Added language directive fo...
Fixed capitalization: JsonNet -> Jsonnet
Added language directive for syntax highlighting code snippets
Removed extra indent whitespace around code samples for readability
Minor wording changes for readability
Added link to Jsonnet homepage for more info
可以看到 1.3.1 主要是将 JsonNet 修改为 Jsonnet,并对代码的格式进行了修改以提升可读性。
JsonNet-PHP 是 Google Jsonnet 对 PHP的支持扩展.
Change Log:
Merged formatting cleanups for README from google.
Rename class from JsonNet to Jsonnet.
Update Lib JsonNet use v0.10.0.
Support PHP 7.
Fixed issue #4, pecl install failed.
Update Lib JsonNet use v0.9.5.
Add function JsonNet::fmtFile.
Add function JsonNet::fmtSnippet.
Google Jsonnet Tutorial
Install Jsonnet-PHP扩展
The pecl package is : http://pecl.php.net/package/jsonnet pecl install jsonnet
Input (Jsonnet)
{ cocktails: { // Ingredient quantities are in fluid ounces. "Tom Collins": { ingredients: [ { kind: "Farmers Gin", qty: 1.5 }, { kind: "Lemon", qty: 1 }, { kind: "Simple Syrup", qty: 0.5 }, { kind: "Soda", qty: 2 }, { kind: "Angostura", qty: "dash" }, ], garnish: "Maraschino Cherry", served: "Tall", }, Manhattan: { ingredients: [ { kind: "Rye", qty: 2.5 }, { kind: "Sweet Red Vermouth", qty: 1 }, { kind: "Angostura", qty: "dash" }, ], garnish: "Maraschino Cherry", served: "Straight Up", }, } }
Output (JSON)
{ "cocktails": { "Tom Collins": { "ingredients": [ { "kind": "Farmers Gin", "qty": 1.5 }, { "kind": "Lemon", "qty": 1 }, { "kind": "Simple Syrup", "qty": 0.5 }, { "kind": "Soda", "qty": 2 }, { "kind": "Angostura", "qty": "dash" } ], "garnish": "Maraschino Cherry", "served": "Tall" }, "Manhattan": { "ingredients": [ { "kind": "Rye", "qty": 2.5 }, { "kind": "Sweet Red Vermouth", "qty": 1 }, { "kind": "Angostura", "qty": "dash" } ], "garnish": "Maraschino Cherry", "served": "Straight Up" } } }
Demo of PHP
Jsonnet::evaluateFile('bar_menu.1.jsonnet'); $Snippet = ' { cocktails: { // Ingredient quantities are in fluid ounces. "Tom Collins": { ingredients: [ { kind: "Farmers Gin", qty: 1.5 }, { kind: "Lemon", qty: 1 }, { kind: "Simple Syrup", qty: 0.5 }, { kind: "Soda", qty: 2 }, { kind: "Angostura", qty: "dash" }, ], garnish: "Maraschino Cherry", served: "Tall", }, Manhattan: { ingredients: [ { kind: "Rye", qty: 2.5 }, { kind: "Sweet Red Vermouth", qty: 1 }, { kind: "Angostura", qty: "dash" }, ], garnish: "Maraschino Cherry", served: "Straight Up", }, } } '; var_dump(Jsonnet::evaluateSnippet($Snippet));
PHP Re Result
/usr/local/php/php-7.0.6-zts-debug/bin/php --re jsonnet Extension [ <persistent> extension #40 Jsonnet version v1.3.1 ] { - Constants [2] { Constant [ string JSONNET_PHP_VERSION ] { v1.3.1 } Constant [ string JSONNET_PHP_AUTHOR ] { Chitao.Gao [ neeke@php.net ] } } - Functions { Function [ <internal:Jsonnet> function jsonnet_get_version ] { } Function [ <internal:Jsonnet> function jsonnet_get_author ] { } } - Classes [1] { Class [ <internal:Jsonnet> class Jsonnet ] { - Constants [0] { } - Static properties [0] { } - Static methods [4] { Method [ <internal:Jsonnet> static public method evaluateFile ] { - Parameters [1] { Parameter #0 [ <required> $file_path ] } } Method [ <internal:Jsonnet> static public method evaluateSnippet ] { - Parameters [1] { Parameter #0 [ <required> $snippet_string ] } } Method [ <internal:Jsonnet> static public method fmtFile ] { - Parameters [1] { Parameter #0 [ <required> $file_path ] } } Method [ <internal:Jsonnet> static public method fmtSnippet ] { - Parameters [1] { Parameter #0 [ <required> $snippet_string ] } } } - Properties [0] { } - Methods [2] { Method [ <internal:Jsonnet, ctor> public method __construct ] { } Method [ <internal:Jsonnet, dtor> public method __destruct ] { } } } } }
<?php /** * @author neeke@php.net * Date: 18/3/29 下午7:51 */ const JSONNET_PHP_VERSION = 'v1.3.1'; const JSONNET_PHP_AUTHOR = 'neeke@php.net'; const CODE_SUCCESS = 1000; const CODE_ERROR = 900; /** * @return string */ function jsonnet_get_version() { return JSONNET_PHP_VERSION; } function jsonnet_get_author() { return JSONNET_PHP_AUTHOR; } class Jsonnet { public function __construct() { #Jsonnet init } public function __destruct() { #Jsonnet destroy } /** * @param $file_path * * @return array * @throws Exception */ static public function evaluateFile($file_path) { throw new Exception('Jsonnet::evaluateFile #error', CODE_ERROR); return array(); } /** * @param $snippet_string * * @return array * @throws Exception */ static public function evaluateSnippet($snippet_string) { throw new Exception('Jsonnet::evaluateSnippet #error', CODE_ERROR); return array(); } /** * @param $file_path * * @return array * @throws Exception */ static public function fmtFile($file_path) { throw new Exception('Jsonnet::fmtFile #error', CODE_ERROR); return array(); } /** * @param $snippet_string * * @return array * @throws Exception */ static public function fmtSnippet($snippet_string) { throw new Exception('Jsonnet::fmtSnippet #error', CODE_ERROR); return array(); } }
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
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