内容简介:RocksDB 5.13.1 发布了。RocksDB 是一个来自 facebook 的可嵌入式的支持持久化的 key-value 存储系统,也可作为 C/S 模式下的存储数据库,但主要目的还是嵌入式。 主要更新内容: Add Env::LowerThreadPoolCPUPri...
RocksDB 5.13.1 发布了。RocksDB 是一个来自 facebook 的可嵌入式的支持持久化的 key-value 存储系统,也可作为 C/S 模式下的存储数据库,但主要目的还是嵌入式。
method, which lowers the CPU priority of background (esp. compaction) threads to minimize interference with foreground tasks.Eliminate use of temporary directories in BackupEngine to improve reliability on distributed file systems.
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
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Programming From The Ground Up
Jonathan Bartlett / Bartlett Publishing / 2004-07-31 / USD 34.95
Programming from the Ground Up is an introduction to programming using assembly language on the Linux platform for x86 machines. It is a great book for novices who are just learning to program as wel......一起来看看 《Programming From The Ground Up》 这本书的介绍吧!