Redisson 3.7.0 、2.12.0 发布,Redis Java 驻内存数据网格

栏目: 软件资讯 · 发布时间: 6年前

内容简介:Redisson 3.7.0 、2.12.0 发布,Redisson 是架设在 Redis 基础上的一个 Java 驻内存数据网格(In-Memory Data Grid)。【Redis官方推荐】 Redisson 在基于 NIO 的 Netty 框架上,充分利用了 Redis 键值数据库提供...

Redisson 3.7.0 、2.12.0 发布,Redisson 是架设在 Redis 基础上的一个 Java 驻内存数据网格(In-Memory Data Grid)。【Redis官方推荐】

Redisson 在基于 NIO 的 Netty 框架上,充分利用了 Redis 键值数据库提供的一系列优势,在 Java 实用 工具 包中常用接口的基础上,为使用者提供了一系列具有分布式特性的常用工具类。使得原本作为协调单机多线程并发程序的工具包获得了协调分布式多机多线程并发系统的能力,大大降低了设计和研发大规模分布式系统的难度。同时结合各富特色的分布式服务,更进一步简化了分布式环境中程序相互之间的协作。

3.7.0 更新如下

Feature - Proxy mode Please refer to documentation for more details
Feature - Transaction API implementation Please refer to documentation for more details
Feature - Spring Transaction API implementation Please refer to documentation for more details
Feature - XA Transaction API implementation Please refer to documentation for more details
Feature - RPermitExpirableSemaphoreReactive object added
Feature - RMap.fastReplace method added
Feature - PING support for Pub/Sub connections
Improvement - RBatch object settings extracted as BatchOptions object
Improvement - RBitSet.set method should return boolean
Fixed - New IP discovery through DNS doesn't work for cluster mode
Fixed - replication for Tomcat Session Manager with readMode=INMEMORY
Fixed - pingConnectionInterval is not applied
Fixed - JDK10 compatibility
Fixed - RLiveObjectService.delete throws NPE if entity doesn't exist
Fixed - RSemaphore object doesn't work with zero permit
Fixed - RExecutorService.countActiveWorkers hangs if there are no registered workers
Fixed - Iterator loop and incorrect result returning
Fixed - SSL connection to Azure redis is failed
Fixed - NPE in SentinelConnectionManager
Fixed - RemoteService synchronous invocations aren't thread safe (regression since 2.10.5 / 3.5.5 versions)
Fixed - bad argument #1 to 'len' (string expected, got boolean) error arise for RMapCache object
Fixed - RedisTimeoutException arise during blocking command execution on RBlockingQueue and RBlockingDeque objects


2.12.0 更新如下

Feature - Proxy mode Please refer to documentation for more details
Feature - Transaction API implementation Please refer to documentation for more details
Feature - Spring Transaction API implementation Please refer to documentation for more details
Feature - XA Transaction API implementation Please refer to documentation for more details
Feature - RPermitExpirableSemaphoreReactive object added
Feature - RMap.fastReplace method added
Feature - PING support for Pub/Sub connections
Improvement - RBatch object settings extracted as BatchOptions object
Improvement - RBitSet.set method should return boolean
Fixed - New IP discovery through DNS doesn't work for cluster mode
Fixed - replication for Tomcat Session Manager with readMode=INMEMORY
Fixed - pingConnectionInterval is not applied
Fixed - JDK10 compatibility
Fixed - RLiveObjectService.delete throws NPE if entity doesn't exist
Fixed - RSemaphore object doesn't work with zero permit
Fixed - RExecutorService.countActiveWorkers hangs if there are no registered workers
Fixed - Iterator loop and incorrect result returning
Fixed - SSL connection to Azure redis is failed
Fixed - NPE in SentinelConnectionManager
Fixed - RemoteService synchronous invocations aren't thread safe (regression since 2.10.5 / 3.5.5 versions)
Fixed - bad argument #1 to 'len' (string expected, got boolean) error arise for RMapCache object
Fixed - RedisTimeoutException arise during blocking command execution on RBlockingQueue and RBlockingDeque objects



【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 []

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网




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