内容简介:SmartGit 18.1.1 已发布,带来了一些新特性及改进,以及 Bug 修复: New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Git-Flow: if the low-level property gitflow.requireCl...
SmartGit 18.1.1 已发布,带来了一些新特性及改进,以及 Bug 修复:
New Features, Improvements -------------------------- - Git: - Git-Flow: if the low-level property gitflow.requireCleanWorktreeOnStart is set to true, starting a feature or hotfix with local changes will abort - Log: if low-level property log.graph.displayCommitDateForAuthor is set to true, it will show the author, but the commit (instead of the author) date - Output: if low-level property output.showOnlyIfViewInvisible is set to false, the Output dialog is shown independent of the Output view's visibility Fixed Bugs ---------- - Git: - Blame: memory leak - Edit Last Commit Message: internal error when in bisecting mode - Journal, Move & Squash: when dragging onto first pushed commit, no "already pushed" warning was displayed - Log: - macOS: right-clicking an unselected commit showed context entries for previously selected commit - memory leak when switching between repositories frequently - quotes around filter definitions, e.g. git-crypt, caused errors starting these commands - possible error "Raw log messge does not parse as log entry" - Refresh: internal error when opening repositories with core.worktree set - Hg: - Refresh: possible hang related to conflicts - Compare: Ignore Whitespace should not display completely unchanged blocks as changed - Linux: file completion popup might be too small after accepting parent directory - macOS: new launcher ignored command line parameter
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
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猜你喜欢:- 支付宝客户端架构解析:iOS 客户端启动性能优化初探
- 自己动手做数据库客户端: BashSQL开源数据库客户端
- 支付宝客户端架构解析:Android 客户端启动速度优化之「垃圾回收」
- 客户端HTTP缓存
- 简析移动客户端安全
- 配置Hadoop集群客户端
单东林、张晓菲、魏然 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2009-6 / 39.00元
《锋利的jQuery》循序渐进地对jQuery的各种函数和方法调用进行了介绍,读者可以系统地掌握jQuery的DOM操作、事件监听和动画、表单操作、AJAX以及插件方面等知识点,并结合每个章节后面的案例演示进行练习,达到掌握核心知识点的目的。为使读者更好地进行开发实践,《锋利的jQuery》的最后一章将前7章讲解的知识点和效果进行了整合,打造出一个非常有个性的网站,并从案例研究、网站材料、网站结构......一起来看看 《锋利的jQuery》 这本书的介绍吧!