内容简介:Servlet 容器 Jetty 9.4.10 已发布,官方发布说明显示,该版本包含大量错误修复和改进,建议所有用户尽快升级。 获取更新 Eclipse: https://www.eclipse.org/jetty/download.html Maven Central: http://central...
Servlet 容器 Jetty 9.4.10 已发布,官方发布说明显示,该版本包含大量错误修复和改进,建议所有用户尽快升级。
Maven Central: http://central.maven.org/maven2/org/eclipse/jetty/
+ 110 Jetty JAASLoginService should not use getContextClassLoader to load role class name under OSGi
+ 1027 MultiPartInputStreamParser is slow for largish files
+ 1555 AuthenticationProtocolHandler unable to parse Digest WWW Header
+ 2018 No HttpClient API for receiving Server Sent Events
+ 2145 Enabled h2, http/1.1 + https failed with invalid preface
+ 2152 Produce jetty-home-source artifacts for Eclipse Jetty source jars
+ 2164 Ensure all jetty modules that use ServiceLoader have correct OSGi manifest headers
+ 2205 100% CPU usage in Selector using Jetty on Windows
+ 2311 TimeoutException when server sends unexpected content
+ 2337 ServletUpgradeRequest getSubProtocols() creates an ArrayList even if sub protocols is absent in WebSocket Upgrade Request.
+ 2349 Review HTTP/2 max streams enforcement
+ 2350 Support multiplexing in RoundRobinConnectionPool
+ 2361 CachingWebAppClassLoader is not using cache properly
+ 2366 Review HTTP/2 interleaving
+ 2376 Relax ContextHandler and ServletContextHandler requirements in WebSocket to allow SpringBoot's MockMVC to function
+ 2387 NPE in URIUtil.equalsIgnoreEncodings when working with jar:file:// URIs
+ 2388 AtomicBiInteger.compareAndSet(long,int,int) not using encoded parameter
+ 2391 Allow for optional "\u####" escaping in org.eclipse.jetty.util.ajax.JSON.toString()
+ 2398 MultiPartFormInputStream parsing should default to UTF-8, but allowed to be overridden by Request.setCharacterEncoding()
+ 2403 allow --add-to-start to specify maven repository location
+ 2409 Ensure no duplicate config classes are assigned to WebApps in OSGi environments
+ 2413 Server log timestamp is inconsistent
+ 2420 Simplify HttpTransportOverHTTP2
+ 2425 Review BufferUtil.isMappedBuffer()
+ 2427 SessionInactivityTimeout does not stop upon expiration
+ 2430 CDI version mismatch with jetty-maven-plugin:run-forked and Weld
+ 2435 Class.newInstance() is deprecated in Java 9+
+ 2445 Add HttpServletRequest support to DefaultCallbackHandler
+ 2446 AttributeNormalizer does not support "user.home" to be "/"
+ 2451 ReservedThreadExecutor.getAvailable() is not atomic and can return incorrect value
+ 2454 Avoid sending empty DATA frame in case of HTTP/2 trailers
+ 2464 NPE when constructing subclasses of ExecutorThreadPool
+ 2468 EWYK concurrent produce can fail SSL connections
+ 2472 Default Maven Central Repository URL used to download artifacts in start.jar should use https
+ 2474 HTTP/2 client not handling invalid servers correctly
+ 2478 ThreadPoolExecutor does nto reap Idle threads
+ 2482 Possible NPE in MemcachedSessionDataMapFactory
+ 2491 WebSocket FragmentExtension can produce an invalid stream of frames
+ 2495 FileSessionDataStore: private save method
+ 2496 Jetty Maven Plugin should skip execution on projects it cannot support
+ 2498 Add QueuedThreadPool.removeThread(Thread) for extendability reasons
Jetty 是一个开源的 servlet 容器,它为基于 Java 的 Web 内容,例如 JSP 和 servlet 提供运行环境。Jetty 是使用 Java 语言编写的,它的 API 以一组 JAR 包的形式发布。开发人员可以将 Jetty 容器实例化成一个对象,可以迅速为一些独立运行(stand-alone)的 Java 应用提供网络和 Web 连接。
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Servlet 容器 Jetty 9.4.10 发布,大量错误修复和改进》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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C++ Primer 中文版(第 5 版)
[美] Stanley B. Lippman、[美] Josée Lajoie、[美] Barbara E. Moo / 王刚、杨巨峰 / 电子工业出版社 / 2013-9-1 / CNY 128.00
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