内容简介:Cassandra 3.11.2 发布了,Apache Cassandra是一套开源分布式Key-Value存储系统。它最初由Facebook开发,用于储存特别大的数据。Facebook目前在使用此系统。 该版本改进内容包括: * Fix ReadCommandTest (...
Cassandra 3.11.2 发布了,Apache Cassandra是一套开源分布式Key-Value存储系统。它最初由Facebook开发,用于储存特别大的数据。Facebook目前在使用此系统。
* Fix ReadCommandTest (CASSANDRA-14234) * Remove trailing period from latency reports at keyspace level (CASSANDRA-14233) * Backport CASSANDRA-13080: Use new token allocation for non bootstrap case as well (CASSANDRA-14212) * Remove dependencies on JVM internal classes from JMXServerUtils (CASSANDRA-14173) * Add DEFAULT, UNSET, MBEAN and MBEANS to `ReservedKeywords` (CASSANDRA-14205) * Add Unittest for schema migration fix (CASSANDRA-14140) * Print correct snitch info from nodetool describecluster (CASSANDRA-13528) * Close socket on error during connect on OutboundTcpConnection (CASSANDRA-9630) * Enable CDC unittest (CASSANDRA-14141) * Acquire read lock before accessing CompactionStrategyManager fields (CASSANDRA-14139) * Split CommitLogStressTest to avoid timeout (CASSANDRA-14143) * Avoid invalidating disk boundaries unnecessarily (CASSANDRA-14083) * Avoid exposing compaction strategy index externally (CASSANDRA-14082) * Prevent continuous schema exchange between 3.0 and 3.11 nodes (CASSANDRA-14109) * Fix imbalanced disks when replacing node with same address with JBOD (CASSANDRA-14084) * Reload compaction strategies when disk boundaries are invalidated (CASSANDRA-13948) * Remove OpenJDK log warning (CASSANDRA-13916) * Prevent compaction strategies from looping indefinitely (CASSANDRA-14079) * Cache disk boundaries (CASSANDRA-13215) * Add asm jar to build.xml for maven builds (CASSANDRA-11193) * Round buffer size to powers of 2 for the chunk cache (CASSANDRA-13897) * Update jackson JSON jars (CASSANDRA-13949) * Avoid locks when checking LCS fanout and if we should defrag (CASSANDRA-13930) * Correctly count range tombstones in traces and tombstone thresholds (CASSANDRA-8527)
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Cassandra 3.11.2 发布,分布式 K/V 存储系统》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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