内容简介:PHP 5.6.36, 7.1.17, 7.2.5正式发布了。PHP(PHP:Hypertext Preprocessor)是一种在电脑上执行的脚本语言,主要是用途在于处理动态网页,也包含了命令列执行接口(command line interface),或者产生图形使用者...
PHP 5.6.36, 7.1.17, 7.2.5正式发布了。PHP(PHP:Hypertext Preprocessor)是一种在电脑上执行的脚本语言,主要是用途在于处理动态网页,也包含了命令列执行接口(command line interface),或者产生图形使用者接口(GUI)程式。
版本主要还是修复 bug,改进日志如下:
PHP 5.6.36
- Exif:
. Fixed bug #76130 (Heap Buffer Overflow (READ: 1786) in exif_iif_add_value).
- iconv:
. Fixed bug #76249 (stream filter convert.iconv leads to infinite loop on
invalid sequence). (Stas)
. Fixed bug #76248 (Malicious LDAP-Server Response causes Crash). (Stas)
- Phar:
. Fixed bug #76129 (fix for CVE-2018-5712 may not be complete). (Stas)
PHP 7.1.17
- Date:
. Fixed bug #76131 (mismatch arginfo for date_create). (carusogabriel)
- Exif:
. Fixed bug#76130 (Heap Buffer Overflow (READ: 1786) in exif_iif_add_value).
- FPM:
. Fixed bug #68440 (ERROR: failed to reload: execvp() failed: Argument list
too long). (Jacob Hipps)
. Fixed incorrect write to getenv result in FPM reload. (Jakub Zelenka)
- GD:
. Fixed bug #52070 (imagedashedline() - dashed line sometimes is not visible).
- iconv:
. Fixed bug #76249 (stream filter convert.iconv leads to infinite loop on
invalid sequence). (Stas)
- intl:
. Fixed bug #76153 (Intl compilation fails with icu4c 61.1). (Anatol)
- ldap:
. Fixed bug #76248 (Malicious LDAP-Server Response causes Crash). (Stas)
- mbstring:
. Fixed bug #75944 (Wrong cp1251 detection). (dmk001)
. Fixed bug #76113 (mbstring does not build with Oniguruma 6.8.1).
(chrullrich, cmb)
- Phar:
. Fixed bug #76129 (fix for CVE-2018-5712 may not be complete). (Stas)
- phpdbg:
. Fixed bug #76143 (Memory corruption: arbitrary NUL overwrite). (Laruence)
- SPL:
. Fixed bug #76131 (mismatch arginfo for splarray constructor).
- standard:
. Fixed bug #75996 (incorrect url in header for mt_rand). (tatarbj)
PHP 7.2.5
- Core:
. Fixed bug #75722 (Convert valgrind detection to configure option).
(Michael Heimpold)
- Date:
. Fixed bug #76131 (mismatch arginfo for date_create). (carusogabriel)
- Exif:
. Fixed bug#76130 (Heap Buffer Overflow (READ: 1786) in exif_iif_add_value).
- FPM:
. Fixed bug #68440 (ERROR: failed to reload: execvp() failed: Argument list
too long). (Jacob Hipps)
. Fixed incorrect write to getenv result in FPM reload. (Jakub Zelenka)
- GD:
. Fixed bug #52070 (imagedashedline() - dashed line sometimes is not visible).
- intl:
. Fixed bug #76153 (Intl compilation fails with icu4c 61.1). (Anatol)
- iconv:
. Fixed bug #76249 (stream filter convert.iconv leads to infinite loop on
invalid sequence). (Stas)
- ldap:
. Fixed bug #76248 (Malicious LDAP-Server Response causes Crash). (Stas)
- mbstring:
. Fixed bug #75944 (Wrong cp1251 detection). (dmk001)
. Fixed bug #76113 (mbstring does not build with Oniguruma 6.8.1).
(chrullrich, cmb)
. Fixed bug #76088 (ODBC functions are not available by default on Windows).
- Opcache:
. Fixed bug #76094 (Access violation when using opcache). (Laruence)
- Phar:
. Fixed bug #76129 (fix for CVE-2018-5712 may not be complete). (Stas)
- phpdbg:
. Fixed bug #76143 (Memory corruption: arbitrary NUL overwrite). (Laruence)
- SPL:
. Fixed bug #76131 (mismatch arginfo for splarray constructor).
- standard:
. Fixed bug #74139 (mail.add_x_header default inconsistent with docs). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #75996 (incorrect url in header for mt_rand). (tatarbj)
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《PHP 5.6.36, 7.1.17 和 7.2.5 正式发布,多项内容修复》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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