内容简介:Teiid 10.2.1 发布,此次发布共解决了 12 个 issue: [TEIID-5293] - Add implicit partitioning of joins to non-multisource partitioning as well [TEIID-5220] - Add support for information_schema name...
Teiid 10.2.1 发布,此次发布共解决了 12 个 issue:
[TEIID-5293] - Add implicit partitioning of joins to non-multisource partitioning as well
[TEIID-5220] - Add support for information_schema namespace
[TEIID-5294] - Bug with the name correction logic (TEIID30151 eror)
[TEIID-5296] - With MongoDB, timestamp operations throw exceptions when called on null or missing values
[TEIID-5297] - With MongoDB, null is returned from timestamp functions if the same function is part of WHERE clause
[TEIID-5300] - ClassCastException during query Optimization
[TEIID-5310] - updateMatView does not check for null validity
[TEIID-5312] - NullPointerException thrown when the second time login via GSS API
[TEIID-5313] - Oracle translator issue with mixing string types and general issues with non-ascii strings
[TEIID-5315] - MATVIEW_MAX_STALENESS_PCT reloads only based upon ttl
[TEIID-5319] - SAP IQ translator wrong pushdown of query with multiple JOINs
[TEIID-5320] - SAP IQ translator wrong pushdown of dateadd function
Teiid 是一个数据虚拟化系统,让应用程序使用来自多个异构数据存储的数据。
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《数据虚拟化系统 Teiid 10.2.1 发布,修复 Bug》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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