内容简介:Spring Framework 5.0.5 和 4.3.15 同时发布了。 Spring Framework 5.0.5 版本是本周晚些时候将要发布的 Spring Boot 2.0.1 版本的基础,4.3.15 版本将同时被 Boot 1.5.11 收录。两个版本都做了大量 bug 修复,同...
Spring Framework 5.0.5 和 4.3.15 同时发布了。
Spring Framework 5.0.5 版本是本周晚些时候将要发布的 Spring Boot 2.0.1 版本的基础,4.3.15 版本将同时被 Boot 1.5.11 收录。两个版本都做了大量 bug 修复,同时也有大量的改进。5.0.5版本也准备在最近发布的 JDK 10上运行,从而允许在 JDK 8 以及9和10中同时构建和测试框架。另外,5.0.5(4.3.15有较小程度)还包括对启动时注释自检的重大性能改进。
[SPR-15780] - Precondition failed for PUT methods on ResponseEntity return types
[SPR-16488] - Deadlock in SubProtocolWebSocketHandler on shutdown with Undertow
[SPR-16489] - EL1072E when evaluating compiled null-safe expression
[SPR-16521] - JSON with missing quote leads to hanging
[SPR-16524] - [Reactor Netty] Incorrect error level logging for client bad request
[SPR-16526] - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when rewriting links in CSS resources
[SPR-16528] - Spurious ERROR-level logging when using SSEEmitter
[SPR-16529] - GsonHttpMessageConverter cannot be used in an SseEmitter because it closes the response stream
[SPR-16534] - testBindInstantFromJavaUtilDate fails on systems in the Pacific/Auckland time zone
[SPR-16543] - WebApplicationContextFacesELResolver#isReadOnly always return false
[SPR-16544] - SpEL : Indexed access within an expression with null variables is no longer a SpelEvaluationException
[SPR-16545] - StackOverflowError when using WebFlux multipart file data handler with Undertow
[SPR-16546] - FilePart transferTo fails with java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException
[SPR-16551] - HiddenHttpMethodFilter breaks HandlerFunction with BodyExtractors.toFormData
[SPR-16555] - ChannelSendOperator.WriteBarrier readyToWrite has race condition
[SPR-16556] - PostgresTableMetaDataProvider.isGetGeneratedKeysSimulated() does not detect Postgres 10
[SPR-16559] - Missing PersistenceException cause message in refresh failure warn log
[SPR-16564] - Reading annotations in ConfigurationClassParser does not fall back to ASM on Google App Engine
[SPR-16570] - Inconsistent synchronization in AbstractBeanFactoryBasedTargetSource and JdbcAccessor
[SPR-16571] - WebAsyncManager concurrentResult should be volatile
[SPR-16572] - TransactionTemplate inherits equals()/hashCode() from DefaultTransactionDefinition
[SPR-16577] - SimpleAliasRegistry registerAlias not atomic
[SPR-16581] - URIEditor should not double escape classpath: URIs
[SPR-16582] - RestTemplate with HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory and no buffering with an interceptor throws UnsupportedOperationException
[SPR-16584] - Inconsistent handling of null values through Java 8 accessors in ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
[SPR-16591] - ServletHttpHandlerAdapter @WebServlet annotation attributes do not conform to servlet spec
[SPR-16597] - WebFlux commitActions are called after status, headers and cookies are set
[SPR-16599] - AcceptHeaderLocaleResolver chooses wrong Locale for language match
[SPR-16606] - ResourceDecoder incorrectly matches to Object.class
[SPR-16611] - CallMetaDataContext.reconcileParameters doesn't catch output parameters with DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnResult type (on Postgres)
[SPR-16620] - Consistent thread-safe iteration in DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry
[SPR-16625] - FactoryBeanRegistrySupport atomicity issues
[SPR-16627] - Address race condition within spring that causes about-to-be-created-bean exceptions
[SPR-16630] - An error occurs if a blank character exists before and after the delimiter of the MIME type parameter.
[SPR-16636] - WebClient retrieve() does not handle Void.class as recommended
[SPR-16640] - Multipart Upload with Commons Fileupload on lazy mode downloads data on cleanup
[SPR-16648] - Concurrent result may be missed due to a race condition in MockMvc
[SPR-16650] - ServletUriComponentsBuilder should replace context path when X-Forwarded-Prefix is present
[SPR-16652] - Annotation lookup on parameter in inner class constructor fails when using javac from JDK versions prior to 9
[SPR-16653] - Cannot autowire individual constructor argument in @Nested test class
[SPR-16660] - UriComponentsBuilder Forwarded header parsing can throw java.lang.NumberFormatException
[SPR-16663] - NamedParameterUtils.parseSqlStatement should parse :{x} style parameter correctly
[SPR-16669] - Unable to bind a null value for UUID column with PostgreSQL
[SPR-16670] - JndiRmiServiceExporter fails to export service on IBM j9 JDK
[SPR-16671] - SimpleMailMessage's handling of to/cc/bcc arrays is inconsistent
[SPR-12452] - Spring Websockets Broker relay supporting a cluster of STOMP endpoint addresses
[SPR-13919] - Add support for asserting JSON in ContentRequestMatchers, just as there is for XML
[SPR-14694] - Support BufferingClientHttpRequestFactory in MockRestServiceServer
[SPR-16050] - Customize PreparedStatementCreatorFactory in getPreparedStatementCreator
[SPR-16516] - SSE writer does not allow customizing the charset
[SPR-16519] - Headers adding ability in ACK/NACK frame
[SPR-16520] - Unable to register @RestControllerAdvice Class via WebTestClient
[SPR-16523] - Consistent use of Collection.toArray with zero-sized array argument
[SPR-16535] - Support for ResolvableType.getType().getTypeName() on Java 8
[SPR-16536] - DefaultMessageListenerContainer should interrupt worker threads when not returning on shutdown
[SPR-16537] - Need ability to access URI template in WebClient metrics/tracing instrumentation
[SPR-16539] - Jackson Encoder(s) ignore charset in MimeType
[SPR-16542] - EncoderHttpMessageWriter never sets Content-Length
[SPR-16548] - Improve docs and handling of send errors in ResponseBodyEmitter
[SPR-16553] - Provide simple way to create ClientResponse
[SPR-16558] - Consistent incrementer arrangement for PostgreSQL, DB2 and SAP HANA
[SPR-16562] - Overloaded convenience setters on HttpHeaders
[SPR-16567] - Support @ResponseStatus-annotated exceptions on WebFlux
[SPR-16568] - Consider caching interface-derived BeanInfo instances in CachedIntrospectionResults
[SPR-16587] - MockMvcResultMatchers.jsonPath(String).value() should have a matching method to declare the expected type
[SPR-16588] - Support for SimpleEvaluationContext in SpEL
[SPR-16589] - Support for grouped DeferredImportSelector
[SPR-16596] - Consistent volatile access to running flag in Lifecycle implementations
[SPR-16601] - CodecException: No suitable writer found for part
[SPR-16607] - ThreadPoolTaskExecutor should cancel all remaining Future handles on shutdown
[SPR-16613] - Allow to make FormHttpMessageConverter add the charset in the Content-Type header
[SPR-16624] - Update ContentNegotiationStrategy to never return an empty List
[SPR-16626] - STOMP broker relay only allows up to 15 client connections
[SPR-16628] - When @DependsOn throws a NoSuchBeanDefinitionException it should include the dependent bean for clarity
[SPR-16635] - Generate multipart boundary using SecureRandom
[SPR-16667] - Reduce ClassUtils.forName overhead (in particular for annotation introspection purposes)
[SPR-16675] - Comprehensively cache annotated methods for interfaces and superclasses
[SPR-16677] - Mixed use BeanNameAutoProxyCreator and AnnotationAwareAspectJAutoProxyCreator to proxy same bean
[SPR-16678] - Add cpp to mime.types as text/plain
[SPR-15780] - Precondition failed for PUT methods on ResponseEntity return types
[SPR-16409] - SubProtocolWebSocketHandler should not log ERROR on "No messages received after ..."
[SPR-16414] - ServletServerHttpRequest.getURI() may throw a java.net.URISyntaxException
[SPR-16415] - AbstractClientSockJsSession.close call does not propagate IOException from disconnect
[SPR-16427] - Spurious WARNINGs when XML declared TransactionProxyFactoryBean's target bean depends on an annotation declared bean that depends on another bean
[SPR-16435] - Lambda error detection might not work on JDK 9
[SPR-16450] - CachingConnectionFactory - Invalid session in session cache
[SPR-16453] - MockMvcRequestBuilder does not decode pathInfo
[SPR-16458] - MimeType compareTo implementation is not compatible with equals
[SPR-16461] - GSON converter only serialises fields of controller method return type, ignoring subclass fields of response object
[SPR-16478] - SimpleJdbcCall can't access synonyms in Oracle database
[SPR-16479] - Set thread interrupt flag on InterruptedException
[SPR-16486] - JsonMappingException when trying to instantiate org.springframework.messaging.Message
[SPR-16488] - Deadlock in SubProtocolWebSocketHandler on shutdown with Undertow
[SPR-16489] - EL1072E when evaluating compiled null-safe expression
[SPR-16495] - NPE in Spring-JDBC with Oracle and SimpleJdbcInsert
[SPR-16496] - ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver advice applicability check may fail against interface-based controller proxy
[SPR-16498] - FormTag renders empty <div> tag
[SPR-16506] - ForwardedHeaderFilter garbles query params during sendRedirect()
[SPR-16526] - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when rewriting links in CSS resources
[SPR-16528] - Spurious ERROR-level logging when using SSEEmitter
[SPR-16529] - GsonHttpMessageConverter cannot be used in an SseEmitter because it closes the response stream
[SPR-16533] - Race condition in ConcurrentMapCache
[SPR-16534] - testBindInstantFromJavaUtilDate fails on systems in the Pacific/Auckland time zone
[SPR-16543] - WebApplicationContextFacesELResolver#isReadOnly always return false
[SPR-16556] - PostgresTableMetaDataProvider.isGetGeneratedKeysSimulated() does not detect Postgres 10
[SPR-16559] - Missing PersistenceException cause message in refresh failure warn log
[SPR-16564] - Reading annotations in ConfigurationClassParser does not fall back to ASM on Google App Engine
[SPR-16570] - Inconsistent synchronization in AbstractBeanFactoryBasedTargetSource and JdbcAccessor
[SPR-16571] - WebAsyncManager concurrentResult should be volatile
[SPR-16572] - TransactionTemplate inherits equals()/hashCode() from DefaultTransactionDefinition
[SPR-16577] - SimpleAliasRegistry registerAlias not atomic
[SPR-16581] - URIEditor should not double escape classpath: URIs
[SPR-16582] - RestTemplate with HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory and no buffering with an interceptor throws UnsupportedOperationException
[SPR-16584] - Inconsistent handling of null values through Java 8 accessors in ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
[SPR-16599] - AcceptHeaderLocaleResolver chooses wrong Locale for language match
[SPR-16604] - DefaultResponseErrorHandler wastes the body of a response with an unknown status
[SPR-16611] - CallMetaDataContext.reconcileParameters doesn't catch output parameters with DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnResult type (on Postgres)
[SPR-16620] - Consistent thread-safe iteration in DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry
[SPR-16625] - FactoryBeanRegistrySupport atomicity issues
[SPR-16627] - Address race condition within spring that causes about-to-be-created-bean exceptions
[SPR-16630] - An error occurs if a blank character exists before and after the delimiter of the MIME type parameter.
[SPR-16640] - Multipart Upload with Commons Fileupload on lazy mode downloads data on cleanup
[SPR-16648] - Concurrent result may be missed due to a race condition in MockMvc
[SPR-16650] - ServletUriComponentsBuilder should replace context path when X-Forwarded-Prefix is present
[SPR-16652] - Annotation lookup on parameter in inner class constructor fails when using javac from JDK versions prior to 9
[SPR-16660] - UriComponentsBuilder Forwarded header parsing can throw java.lang.NumberFormatException
[SPR-16663] - NamedParameterUtils.parseSqlStatement should parse :{x} style parameter correctly
[SPR-16669] - Unable to bind a null value for UUID column with PostgreSQL
[SPR-16671] - SimpleMailMessage's handling of to/cc/bcc arrays is inconsistent
[SPR-12452] - Spring Websockets Broker relay supporting a cluster of STOMP endpoint addresses
[SPR-16439] - Quartz Scheduler - configurable SchedulerFactory
[SPR-16455] - Avoid String concatenation for not-null assertion in BeanProperty/DirectFieldBindingResult
[SPR-16457] - AcceptHeaderLocaleResolver should match country locales against supported language locales
[SPR-16535] - Support for ResolvableType.getType().getTypeName() on Java 8
[SPR-16558] - Consistent incrementer arrangement for PostgreSQL, DB2 and SAP HANA
[SPR-16587] - MockMvcResultMatchers.jsonPath(String).value() should have a matching method to declare the expected type
[SPR-16588] - Support for SimpleEvaluationContext in SpEL
[SPR-16596] - Consistent volatile access to running flag in Lifecycle implementations
[SPR-16628] - When @DependsOn throws a NoSuchBeanDefinitionException it should include the dependent bean for clarity
[SPR-16635] - Generate multipart boundary using SecureRandom
[SPR-16667] - Reduce ClassUtils.forName overhead (in particular for annotation introspection purposes)
[SPR-16678] - Add cpp to mime.types as text/plain
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Spring Framework 5.0.5 和 4.3.15 发布,包含大量改进》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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[美] 戴夫·帕特奈克 (Dev Patnaik)、[美] 彼得·莫特森 (Peter Mortensen) / 马慧 / 万卷出版公司 / 2010-07 / 36.00
《Wired to Care》是帕特奈克集近年来在创新顾问公司 Jump Associates 实务经验,与史丹佛大学教学经验之大成,虽然《Wired to Care》定位为一本用设计创新方法谈企业管理的书,但本书,活像是一本近代的设计史,从以销售为设计目标的Raymond Loewy谈起,到以人为设计中心的OXO GOOD GRIPSSwivelPeeler削皮刀。由此作者向我们揭示了企业如何运......一起来看看 《谁说商业直觉是天生的》 这本书的介绍吧!