内容简介:Angular 6.0.0-rc.1 已发布,主要更新还是修复 bug,以及增加新特性。 Bug 修复 animations: avoid animation insertions during router back/refresh (#21977) (f88fba0), closes #19712 animations: treat n...
Angular 6.0.0-rc.1 已发布,主要更新还是修复 bug,以及增加新特性。
Bug 修复
animations: avoid animation insertions during router back/refresh (#21977) (f88fba0), closes #19712
animations: treat numeric state name values as strings (#22923) (e5e1b0d)
bazel: complete the rollup globals list for all angular entrypoints (#23080) (439030f)
bazel: don't try to do flatmoduleindex under Blaze (#23083) (be10bf5)
bazel: downlevel decorators in fesm5 files (#23078) (481b22e)
bazel: ng_package packages attr not forwarded to npm_package (#22967) (2aabbc5)
bazel: ng_package should include private exports in fesms (#23054) (0d9140c)
consistently rewrite Injector to INJECTOR (#23008) (884bf0e)
compiler: fix support for html-like text in translatable attributes (#23053) (28058b7)
compiler: take quoting into account when determining if object literals can be shared (#22942) (d98e9e7)
compiler-cli: use numeric comparison for TypeScript version (#22705) (193737a), closes #22593
core: don't override ngInjectableDef in the decorator if present on the type (#22943) (6f01917)
service-worker: do not enter degraded mode when offline (#22883) (9e9b8dd), closes #21636
service-worker: fix LruList bugs (#22769) (8c2a578), closes #22218 #22768
service-worker: ignore invalid
requests (#22883) (d9dc46e), closes #22362
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- Web 前端框架 Angular 6.1.6 发布,Bug 修复版本
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iOS应用逆向工程 第2版
沙梓社、吴航 / 机械工业出版社 / 2015-4-1 / 79.00
你是否曾因应用上线的第一天即遭破解而无奈苦恼,想要加以防范,却又束手无策? 你是否曾为某一应用深深折服,想要借鉴学习,却又无从下手? 你是否已不满足于public API,想要进军Cydia开发,却又求学无门? 你是否已产生“不识Apple真面目,只缘身在App Store中”的危机感,想要通过阅读来一窥这冰山一角外的整个北极,却又找不到合适的书? 你是否已经因无法跨越开发......一起来看看 《iOS应用逆向工程 第2版》 这本书的介绍吧!