内容简介:pfSense 2.4.3 已发布,本次更新包含重要的安全修复和 bug 修复,还引入了一些新特性,具体如下。 值得关注的更新 包含一些重要的安全修复补丁: Kernel PTI mitigations for Meltdown (optional tunable) FreeB...
pfSense 2.4.3 已发布,本次更新包含重要的安全修复和 bug 修复,还引入了一些新特性,具体如下。
Kernel PTI mitigations for Meltdown (optional tunable) FreeBSD-SA-18:03.speculative_execution.asc
IBRS mitigation for Spectre V2 (requires updated CPU microcode) FreeBSD-SA-18:03.speculative_execution.asc
Fixes for FreeBSD-SA-18:01.ipsec
Fixed three potential XSS vectors, and two potential CSRF issues
CSRF protection for all dashboard widgets
Updated several base system packages to address CVEs
除了安全修复,pfSense 还包含重要的 bug 修复,如修复 pfSense PHP 模块的内存泄露问题,具体如下:
Fixed hangs due to Limiters and pfsync in High Availability configurations
Imported anetstatfix to improve performance and reduce CPU usage, especially on the Dashboard and ARM platforms
Fixed a memory leak in the pfSense PHP module
Fixed DHCPv6 lease display for entries that were not parsed properly from the lease database
Fixed issues on assign_interfaces.php with large numbers of interfaces
Fixed multiple issues that could result in an invalid ruleset being generated
Fixed multiple Captive Portal voucher synchronization issues with HA
Fixed issues with XMLRPC user account synchronization causing GUI inaccessibility on secondary HA nodes
… and many more!
Changed IPsec Phase 1 to allow selecting both IPv4 and IPv6 so the local side can allow inbound connections to either address family
Changed IPsec Phase 1 to allow configuration of multiple IKE encryption algorithms, key lengths, hashes, and DH groups
Changed SMTP notifications handling so they are batched, to avoid sending multiple e-mail messages in a short amount of time
Added options to RFC 2136 Dynamic DNS for server key algorithm and to change the source address used to send updates
Added VLAN priority tagging for DHCPv6 client requests
Hardware support for the new XG-7100 including C3000 SoC support, C3000 NIC support, and Marvell 88E6190 switch support (Factory installations only)
… and more!
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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編程之美小 / 悅知文化 / 2008.06.20 / 490元
書內容分為以下幾個部分: ▓ 遊戲之樂:從遊戲和其他有趣問題出發,化繁為簡,分析總結。 ▓ 數字之魅:程式設計的過程實際上就是和數字及字元打交道的過程。這一部分收集了一些這方面的有趣探討。 ▓ 結構之法:彙集了常見的對字串、鏈表、佇列,以及樹進行操作的題目。 ▓ 數學之趣:列舉了一些不需要寫具體程式的數學問題,鍛煉讀者的抽象思考能力。 ▓ 書中絕大部分題目都提供了詳細......一起来看看 《程式之美-微軟技術面試心得》 这本书的介绍吧!