内容简介:JsonNet-PHP 是 Google Jsonnet 对 PHP的支持扩展. pecl: http://pecl.php.net/package/jsonnet github: https://github.com/Neeke/Jsonnet-PHP gitee: https://gitee.com/neeke/Jsonnet-PHP Change Log: ...
JsonNet-PHP 是 Google Jsonnet 对 PHP的支持扩展.
Change Log:
- Update Lib JsonNet use v0.10.0. - Support PHP 7. |
- Update Lib JsonNet use v0.9.5. - Add function JsonNet::fmtFile. - Add function JsonNet::fmtSnippet. |
Google Jsonnet Tutorial
Install Jsonnet-PHP扩展
The pecl package is : http://pecl.php.net/package/jsonnet pecl install jsonnet
Input (Jsonnet)
{ cocktails: { // Ingredient quantities are in fluid ounces. "Tom Collins": { ingredients: [ { kind: "Farmers Gin", qty: 1.5 }, { kind: "Lemon", qty: 1 }, { kind: "Simple Syrup", qty: 0.5 }, { kind: "Soda", qty: 2 }, { kind: "Angostura", qty: "dash" }, ], garnish: "Maraschino Cherry", served: "Tall", }, Manhattan: { ingredients: [ { kind: "Rye", qty: 2.5 }, { kind: "Sweet Red Vermouth", qty: 1 }, { kind: "Angostura", qty: "dash" }, ], garnish: "Maraschino Cherry", served: "Straight Up", }, } }
Output (JSON)
{ "cocktails": { "Tom Collins": { "ingredients": [ { "kind": "Farmers Gin", "qty": 1.5 }, { "kind": "Lemon", "qty": 1 }, { "kind": "Simple Syrup", "qty": 0.5 }, { "kind": "Soda", "qty": 2 }, { "kind": "Angostura", "qty": "dash" } ], "garnish": "Maraschino Cherry", "served": "Tall" }, "Manhattan": { "ingredients": [ { "kind": "Rye", "qty": 2.5 }, { "kind": "Sweet Red Vermouth", "qty": 1 }, { "kind": "Angostura", "qty": "dash" } ], "garnish": "Maraschino Cherry", "served": "Straight Up" } } }
Demo of PHP
JsonNet::evaluateFile('bar_menu.1.jsonnet'); $Snippet = ' { cocktails: { // Ingredient quantities are in fluid ounces. "Tom Collins": { ingredients: [ { kind: "Farmers Gin", qty: 1.5 }, { kind: "Lemon", qty: 1 }, { kind: "Simple Syrup", qty: 0.5 }, { kind: "Soda", qty: 2 }, { kind: "Angostura", qty: "dash" }, ], garnish: "Maraschino Cherry", served: "Tall", }, Manhattan: { ingredients: [ { kind: "Rye", qty: 2.5 }, { kind: "Sweet Red Vermouth", qty: 1 }, { kind: "Angostura", qty: "dash" }, ], garnish: "Maraschino Cherry", served: "Straight Up", }, } } '; var_dump(JsonNet::evaluateSnippet($Snippet));
PHP Re Result
/usr/local/php/php-7.0.6-zts-debug/bin/php --re jsonnet Extension [ <persistent> extension #40 JsonNet version v1.3.0 ] { - Constants [2] { Constant [ string JSONNET_PHP_VERSION ] { v1.3.0 } Constant [ string JSONNET_PHP_AUTHOR ] { Chitao.Gao [ neeke@php.net ] } } - Functions { Function [ <internal:JsonNet> function jsonnet_get_version ] { } Function [ <internal:JsonNet> function jsonnet_get_author ] { } } - Classes [1] { Class [ <internal:JsonNet> class JsonNet ] { - Constants [0] { } - Static properties [0] { } - Static methods [4] { Method [ <internal:JsonNet> static public method evaluateFile ] { - Parameters [1] { Parameter #0 [ <required> $file_path ] } } Method [ <internal:JsonNet> static public method evaluateSnippet ] { - Parameters [1] { Parameter #0 [ <required> $snippet_string ] } } Method [ <internal:JsonNet> static public method fmtFile ] { - Parameters [1] { Parameter #0 [ <required> $file_path ] } } Method [ <internal:JsonNet> static public method fmtSnippet ] { - Parameters [1] { Parameter #0 [ <required> $snippet_string ] } } } - Properties [0] { } - Methods [2] { Method [ <internal:JsonNet, ctor> public method __construct ] { } Method [ <internal:JsonNet, dtor> public method __destruct ] { } } } } }
<?php /** * @author neeke@php.net * Date: 18/3/29 下午7:51 */ const JSONNET_PHP_VERSION = 'v1.3.0'; const JSONNET_PHP_AUTHOR = 'neeke@php.net'; const CODE_SUCCESS = 1000; const CODE_ERROR = 900; /** * @return string */ function jsonnet_get_version() { return JSONNET_PHP_VERSION; } function jsonnet_get_author() { return JSONNET_PHP_AUTHOR; } class JsonNet { public function __construct() { #JsonNet init } public function __destruct() { #JsonNet destroy } /** * @param $file_path * * @return array * @throws Exception */ static public function evaluateFile($file_path) { throw new Exception('JsonNet::evaluateFile #error', CODE_ERROR); return array(); } /** * @param $snippet_string * * @return array * @throws Exception */ static public function evaluateSnippet($snippet_string) { throw new Exception('JsonNet::evaluateSnippet #error', CODE_ERROR); return array(); } /** * @param $file_path * * @return array * @throws Exception */ static public function fmtFile($file_path) { throw new Exception('JsonNet::fmtFile #error', CODE_ERROR); return array(); } /** * @param $snippet_string * * @return array * @throws Exception */ static public function fmtSnippet($snippet_string) { throw new Exception('JsonNet::fmtSnippet #error', CODE_ERROR); return array(); } }
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Jsonnet-PHP v1.3.0 发布,支持 PHP 7 使用 Jsonnet》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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Search User Interfaces
Marti A. Hearst / Cambridge University Press / 2009-9-21 / USD 59.00
搜索引擎的本质是帮助用户更快、更方便、更有效地查找与获取所需信息。在不断改进搜索算法和提升性能(以技术为中心)的同时,关注用户的信息需求、搜寻行为、界面设计与交互模式是以用户为中心的一条并行发展思路。创新的搜索界面及其配套的交互机制对一项搜索服务的成功来说是至关重要的。Marti Hearst教授带来的这本新作《Search User Interfaces》即是后一条思路的研究成果,将信息检索与人......一起来看看 《Search User Interfaces》 这本书的介绍吧!