内容简介:Openfire 4.2.3 已发布,Openfire 是实时的基于 WEB 的即时消息传输平台。 Bug 修复 [OF-1191] - Client certificate authentication with BOSH not working in Openfire 4.0.x [OF-1283] - SANCertificateIden...
Openfire 4.2.3 已发布,Openfire 是实时的基于 WEB 的即时消息传输平台。
Bug 修复
[OF-1191] - Client certificate authentication with BOSH not working in Openfire 4.0.x
[OF-1283] - SANCertificateIdentityMapping - Unable to parse a byte array (of length 42) as a subjectAltName 'otherName'. It is ignored.
[OF-1464] - Can't update plugins via Admin Console
[OF-1481] - NPE during bind (connection already null)
[OF-1482] - Monitoring plugin: MAM query response for MUC should have a 'from'
[OF-1483] - Monitoring plugin: ClassNotFound at startup
[OF-1494] - SAN 'xmppAddr' OIDs are not properly encoded in generated certificates.
[OF-1502] - CallbackOnOffline plugin is using wrong version number scheme
[OF-1505] - TLS cert admin console page throws Exception
[OF-1509] - Stream Management increments should be atomic
[OF-1518] - Stored XSS in Property Name in Security Audit Viewer
[OF-1490] - Update HTTP File Upload Plugin's component implementation.
[OF-1493] - Allow admins to retrieve a PEM representation of installed certificates
[OF-1501] - Use 'most appropriate' certificate when multiple are available.
[OF-1507] - Handling of S2S stream errors.
[OF-1519] - Add a section about firewall into Installation guide
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
猜你喜欢:- 谈MQTT消息传输协议(11.9)
- Openfire 4.2.1 发布,即时消息传输平台
- Openfire 4.5.2 发布,即时消息传输平台
- Openfire 4.2.2 发布,即时消息传输平台
- Openfire 4.5.4 发布,即时消息传输平台
- Openfire 4.6.1 发布,即时消息传输平台
顾思宇、梁博文、郑泽宇 / 电子工业出版社 / 2018-2-1 / 89
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