搜索助力,基于Qt 的开源笔记软件 VNote 1.13 发布

栏目: 软件资讯 · 发布时间: 6年前

内容简介:VNote 1.13 发布,更新内容: 1. Full-Text Search VNote now comes with built-in full-text search! You could call out the search dock by Ctrl+E C or Ctrl+Alt+F. VNote provides many advanced search...

VNote 1.13 发布,更新内容:

1. Full-Text Search

VNote now comes with built-in full-text search! You could call out the search dock by Ctrl+E C or Ctrl+Alt+F.

搜索助力,基于Qt 的开源笔记软件 VNote 1.13 发布

VNote provides many advanced search functions, such as && and ||logical operations, fuzzy search, and regular expression. The search could target different objects, such as name and content, note and folder, and so on.

2. Enhanced Export

Now you could export several notes into one PDF via wkhtmltopdf. You need to download wkhtmltopdf yourself (the version built with patched Qt is preferred).

搜索助力,基于Qt 的开源笔记软件 VNote 1.13 发布

Besides wkhtmltopdf, VNote now enables Custom export, which means you could use whatever tool you like to export (or process) your notes. An example about how to export notes via Pandoc will be available soon in VNote’s documentation.

搜索助力,基于Qt 的开源笔记软件 VNote 1.13 发布

3. Other

  • Support Word Count information in both read and edit mode;

  • 搜索助力,基于Qt 的开源笔记软件 VNote 1.13 发布

  • Replace v_white theme with v_native, which behaves more like native applications;

  • Support SavePage action in read mode;

  • Support back reference in replace text via \1, \2, and so on;

  • Support sorting in Cart;

  • Support sorting notes and folders via name or modification date;

  • Support both flow and flowchart as the language of flowchart.js diagram;

  • Add ParsteAsBlockQuote menu action to parste text as block quote from clipboard;

  • Add options for Markdown-it to support subscript and superscript;

  • Better support for 4K display;

【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






[德] 安妮·M·许勒尔(Anne M. Schuller) / 于嵩楠 / 中国人民大学出版社 / 2015-12-1 / 49.00元

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