内容简介:Wine 2.0.5 已发布,Wine (“Wine Is Not an Emulator” 的递归缩写)是一个能够在多种 POSIX-compliant 操作系统(诸如 Linux,macOS 及 BSD 等)上运行 Windows 应用的兼容层。Wine 不是像虚拟机或者模拟器一样...
Wine 2.0.5 已发布,Wine (“Wine Is Not an Emulator” 的递归缩写)是一个能够在多种 POSIX-compliant 操作系统(诸如 Linux,macOS 及 BSD 等)上运行 Windows 应用的兼容层。Wine 不是像虚拟机或者模拟器一样模仿内部的 Windows 逻辑,而是将 Windows API 调用翻译成为动态的 POSIX 调用,免除了性能和其他一些行为的内存占用,让你能够干净地集合 Windows 应用到你的桌面。
bug 修复:
13548 Wine's setupapi does not know how to recursively delete registry keys
14937 Astroplanner 1.6.1 crashes when closing "preferences" window (TOOLTIPS_SubclassProc must be unsubclassed during WM_NCDESTROY)
21849 Sonic & Knuckles Collection: arrow buttons are very narrow
22682 Multiple games need function d3dx9_36.dll.D3DXGetShaderInputSemantics (Far Cry 2/3, Avatar, Faery: Legends of Avalon, Civilization 4, Deathspank, Of Orcs and Men)
27106 IMSSA EuroDEEM (VB6 app) fails on startup, reporting "Type MisMatch" error (VARIANT_Coerce: treat VT_NULL like VT_EMPTY when converting to VT_BSTR)
29871 drawing in photoshop cs5 is almost impossible
29986 IE6 and IE4 have greenish toolbar icons
32202 ActiveX install attempts to run wrong inf section
33318 3DMark2001 SE: upgrading to Wine 1.5.27 reduces performance score by 20%
33722 Stereo IMA ADPCM encoding in WINE produces loud static instead of sound
36441 joy.cpl crashes when PS4 Gamepad connected via Bluetooth
36517 SlovoEB 2.1 (.NET 4.0 app) crashes on startup (unsupported WICPixelFormat32bppGrayFloat)
37336 U-blox U-Center 8.11 crashes when importing or exporting config file
38334 SpinTires crashes with unimplemented function d3dx9_36.dll.D3DXFrameFind
40832 MultiSpec 2.8.2016 32-Bit: Installs fine but crashes while opening any images
40866 DigitalMicrograph: crashes when a new script is added to the menu
40963 Upwards, lonely robot Demo crashes with Too many buffers queued
41209 The Magic School Bus Explores the Solar System: Error message asking for the game to be reinstalled
41220 Provide fallback implementation of strnlen for OS versions that don't have it in their Libc (Leopard, Snow Leopard, et al)
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
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