Android Emulator 27.2.1 canary 发布

栏目: 软件资讯 · 发布时间: 6年前

内容简介:Emulator 27.2.1 Canary 现在可用于Windows,Mac和Linux,此版本将修补程序和增强功能从27.2.0带到Windows。 更新内容: Fixed a crash on saving recorded video from screen recording. Fixed an issue in whic...

Emulator 27.2.1 Canary 现在可用于Windows,Mac和Linux,此版本将修补程序和增强功能从27.2.0带到Windows。


  • Fixed a crash on saving recorded video from screen recording.

  • Fixed an issue in which the VirtualScene camera's controls could steal focus too frequently on Xfce, and the mouse pointer could flicker.

  • Telephone and SMS are now properly deactivated when airplane mode is on.

  • Mac: Emulator window now properly shows a drop shadow when frameless mode is disabled.

  • To address issues caused by not having enough free disk space for snapshots, the emulator now checks for sufficient free disk space on startup, and will not start unless at least 2 GB is free.



【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 []

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