内容简介:Vue 在 2.5.14 做了许多重构和Bug修复,在发布一天后又发布了 2.5.15 修复被发现的严重 Bug。 2.5.15 Bug Fixes do not traverse VNodes when regsitering dependencies 84a9a9d, closes #7786 2.5.14 Bug Fi...
Vue 在 2.5.14 做了许多重构和Bug修复,在发布一天后又发布了 2.5.15 修复被发现的严重 Bug。
2.5.15 Bug Fixes
2.5.14 Bug Fixes
codegen: support filters with () in older browsers (#7545) dc97a39, closes #7545 #7544
core: disable dependency collection in lifecycle hooks and data getter (#7596) 318f29f, closes #7596 #7573
core: handle edge cases for functional component returning arrays 8335217, closes #7282
inject: use hasOwn instead of 'in' for provideKey check (#7460) 733c1be, closes #7460 #7284
model: fix array index binding for v-model checkbox (#7671) 550c3c0, closes #7671 #7670
observer: do not invoke getters on initial observation (#7302) 7392dfc, closes #7302 #7280
ref: allow ref key to be zero (#7676) e396eb3, closes #7676 #7669
show: prevent transitions from starting on change truthy values (#7524) 013d980, closes #7524#7523
types: contravariant generic default in ComponentOption (#7369) 6ee6849, closes #7369
transition: should not add transition class when cancelled (#7391) 5191f13, closes #7391#7390
types: add missing listeners type on RenderContext (#7584) db1b18c, closes #7584
types: fix wrong errorCaptured type (#7712) 6b8516b, closes #7712
types: make render option in functional components to optional (#7663) b2092db, closes #7663
types: make VNodeChildrenArrayContents type more accurate (#7287) 49aae6b, closes #7287
types: prefer normal component over functional one (#7687) 144bf5a, closes #7687
v-model: handle trailing whitespaces in expression (#7737) db58493, closes #7737
v-on: return handler value when using modifiers (#7704) 6bc75ca, closes #7704
vdom: svg inside foreignObject should be rendered with correct namespace (fix #7330) (#7350) 0529961, closes #7330 #7350
weex: default value for editor, fix #7165 (#7286) e055df8, closes #7165 #7286 #7165
address potential regex backtrack cd33407
allow codebase to be inlined directly in HTML (#7314) dccd182, closes #7314 #7298
always install composition event listeners f7ca21e, closes #7367
clean up custom events when patched component no longer have events d8b0838, closes #7294
do not special case attributes for custom elements 50b711a, closes #6864 #6885
install ssr helpers for functional context during SSR 9b22d86, closes #7443 nuxt/nuxt.js#2565
respect type order when boolean casting multi-typed props 81e1e47, closes #7485
skip v-model & value binding collision check with dynamic type binding (#7406) 1c0b4af, closes #7406 #7404
support KeyboardEvent.key in built-in keyboard event modifiers (#7121) 1c8e2e8, closes #7121#6900
support v-model dynamic type binding for v-bind="object" 41838c8, closes #7296
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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TCP/IP详解 卷1:协议
W.Richard Stevens / 范建华 / 机械工业出版社 / 2000-4-1 / 45.00元
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